Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Churches , what they haven't told you , Yet.





From 9-11 to a warmer climate? Some people might not agree with some of the things mentioned in this letter but I’m sure there’s something most of us would agree on. LET’S bury deceit and pray for healing. Has anyone been looking for some signs of the times?

WHY? When you should be a living one. After reading this some people might think that they have been left behind. I would say probably not. Unless it’s a choice that YOU make. SOUNDS like another opportunity.

What would the Holy Bible have to weed thru to reach you ? Think of how many you have shared the Gospel with or how many you could share the Gospel with, Freely. The Gospel is about helping people to be what they were created to be. Regardless of what they use to be.

And how freely we can share the Great news of the GOSPEL OF THE LORD JESUS And I would feel very sorry for ANY who would try to hinder you.

But that one thought could bring about the final search, of the heart. Because it leads to an interesting question.

How would you live if you thought you were left behind? Would the true heart be revealed and hope for another chance? And something to keep in mind ! When seeking the GOD of compassion JESUS we need to have a heart of humility.

And everyone thoughtful and loves life holds him in AWE. Or you're living a life that’s unpredictable. More about that later. Can you survive on a roll a day?

That’s Awesome, AY. Do you know what the Biblical plan is for your future. You would have to read the HOLY BIBLE to discover it, or you could read all the other books out there and keep wandering.

The day will come when you will realize that all those books and movies where nothing more than more distractions. Obstacles too true devotion. And some churches are a very big part of them. Don’t believe it? Let’s read.

A theater like some Churches are places of idol worship.

And what are the consequences of idol worship, unpredictable life? How do you defend such places? You could try a warning. And when your really trying to help why with hold it from anyone.

And when you find people who are willing to help it makes a short work of deceit.

Please read BOOK OF WISDOM 14:25, 15: 12

Warnings given long ago are very relevant today! And if you missed it child abuse was mentioned there. I’ve actually heard the church call it, Petty gossip.

Ask some of the victims. Do you know what some churches are afraid of? That the eyes of the congregation would be open. What some should be terrified of is the day it comes true. A house with no idols says, I love you JESUS.

Is your church telling you how to overcome the struggles of the flesh?

Or is it still in agreement with a code of silence?

You see some churches thought everybody would do the same, dummy up, for the right price. Is your church without excuse?

HOW FAST COULD YOU RECOGNIZE THE QUALITY OF THE PEOPLE OF A NATION? WHAT VALUES DO THEY CHERISH, UPHOLD AND PRAY FOR? OR have they become laxed in constitution? Because of careless, reckless, giddy and even drunken minds, FOOD intoxication and something to wash it down with.

ALL that eating, drinking and rising to play leads to your effete, decay and wasting away. And America has been reaping the fruits of a eating, drinking and rising to play mentality.

Critical thinking is not always bad.

Especially when it makes us aware of our options. And what I’m actually doing is making people aware of some very suspicious teachings in the churches. Something any decent people would do. How do you retrieve lost and wounded souls?

Tell them about, THE LORD JESUS and remind them of the choices they have. A nation without the GOSPEL, is a nation without HOPE ! The word retrieve probably wasn’t the best word to use but I like the definition. To remedy the evil consequences of, AND, restore to a flourishing state. That means you.

Did you know that, what little you eat and drink could reveal a desire to be born again. And if you know that then you will probably realize that the more you eat the more you trigger the flesh or sow to the flesh. Some might say not true. I would ask what did Adam and Eve do?

They disobeyed and ate. That tells us that disobedience also kindles or triggers the flesh. Is your church being filled by the Spirit or three full plates a day?

Then it maybe full of,, flesh? I wonder how many churches have been found lacking knowledge or full of,, deceit?? IS your church still PRETENDING that it hasn’t heard? I wonder how many would humbly admit to the one to deny the other? To say nothing would be like admitting to the other!

Anyone trying to understand some of the seasons of the mind or riddles in life? What are some causes of depression? Do you know the definition of the word reins or heart, in the kjv BIBLE? Heart, mind, thoughts.

Another expression for depression would be sad countenance or cast down in THE HOLY BIBLE. But if your thoughts are the product of something self induced like over eating, alcohol or drugs or the tv and especially the CELL phone then you should ask for help to overcome that first.

What happens when you let sin set the tone for society? What is a code of silence? A mutual agreement to deceive? Evil can be driven out permanently, but only by the good in a nation thru methods that rest on Biblical morals and principals . Anyone with the courage to be honest? The one follows the other. What about with your own kids.

Even governments that fail to do what’s right condemn themselves. A just government would be a terror to the disobedient.

A soulless, shameless and loveless society is doomed to destruction, and such a nation and people would be in need of divine intervention. What HOPE is there without an appeal to THE ONLY DIVINE NAME, JESUS

Invoking and appealing to that precise name brings the presence of the one being invoked. But because of deceitful churches, a lack of knowledge and intoxicated minds many did not know that. The deception of some churches is not always what they say, but what they don’t tell you. Ever wonder why?

If the church keeps withholding the bread why shouldn’t the congregation do the same? What has the church or even churches revealed? A bride or another eve? What is clean, pure, and HOLY? How many churches could plead ignorance? How many could say they didn’t know? NOT MANY.

Take a look at the churches what you see is the results of effort or none at all. How much effort did Noah have to exert to escape a lawless world? Think about that.

MATT 7: 27

When a church keeps wolfing down a full plate the results will eventually be seen. AND if you want to know what she is really like, try taking some off that plate. You can discover a lot quickly if you know where to dig.

And if she doesn’t care about her own flesh and blood then why would it care at all about yours? To many full plates have lead to a lot of RECKLESS AND FAULSE counselors.

Over a thousand different (so called) Christian denominations. One of their most popular sayings seems to be, you are saved by Grace not works. Are you saying that you're to wicked to ever do any good ?

Think about how that sounds. Some Churches are more like a family business than a church. Most looking for their own piece of the action, humble dollar. How many churches do you know of that read the HOLY BIBLE so that they would know how to cause others to stumble or give, give? THINK ABOUT THAT. Sounds to repulsive to be true, AY.

IS your church leading you like the blind? Taking advantage of seeking and trusting souls? Sounds like decent people. The people being duped and swindled are the ones laughing and sounding applause.

In pauls letters it (seems) like he invited the church to eat and drink all it wanted to and anything it wanted to. OR, did he? Unfortunately many did exactly that. Revealing no self control and no reason to mention temperance.

So how could it claim to care anything at all about your well being? I wonder if paul knew what would bring judgment to a lawless church and synagogue. And to keep from being called legalistic I’ll mention the two things he brought up. Food and the Sabbath.

Paul also had an opinion or thoughts about a rapture and he thought that he would be alive when it was suppose to happen. But he died waiting for it. Hopefully you won’t. Does that sound inspired or some more thoughts and opinions?

Something else the church missed? Maybe the church should try a brighter light when reading those letters. The churches have said that a true prophet has to be 100% accurate 100% of the time. So why would a church be so bent on praising paul? Was there a hidden deception behind it?

Would you like to put a Church to the test? Watch what it doe’s with your money. Fine cuisine of the moth maybe even a jet? And if you really want to put them to the test have them read pauls letters and see which way they go with them. I try to keep people from reading them but some churches seem to be having fun with them.

And some have gathered bundles, with them. If your going to read them than at least take the time to compare them, with the Gospels, and the Old Testament. The Gospels say that the meek shall inherit the earth.

And The Old Testament says the wicked shall be leaving it. Wisdom is like prophesy PRO2:21 Something else the Old Testament reveals, what takes place after the HOLY SPIRIT is poured out upon the people. ISAIAH 32:15 If you had plans for the future how much thought would go into the planning ?

How wise would the biblical one be? And Paul also spoke about having a form of Godliness, or an outward appearance of religion but deny the power of it. How many have been blest with the power to overcome three full plates a day? What about two?

Hopefully at least one? Keep reading and you will see why I say that. Appetites are very revealing. So be very careful of what you support. I wonder if pauls letters were written for discerning minds? Or was he searching hearts, he spoke a lot about self control, or did the church miss that?

It’s very obvious that anytime a church tries to undermine, belittle or make light of the law it runs to pauls letters. And you probably never thought about why. I’d like to see it try to do so with the Old Testament or one of the Gospels.

When a country estranges itself from the law you estrange yourself from the protection it guarantees. The doctrines of the prophets were always an attempt to lead the people back to obedience and when that failed discipline followed.

And in the Gospels it would be very hard to read just about any chapter without seeing some reference to THE LAW and maybe even the effects of avoiding it. Avoid the LAW and you shut the door to wisdom. If the goal in life is to educate a generation then why would Wisdom be avoided? What better teacher than Wisdom?

Unless the goal is to pollute and plunder them? I wonder if any of those questions have got your attention yet? Intoxicated minds leave people vulnerable and very easy prey. Drunken minds easy prey, making sure the victory. Especially women.

Why do you think they are targeted so often by the media, false religions and especially the t.v.? How can I say that? Take a look at the t.v. audience and the congregation.

Didn’t take long to verify that. Why didn’t more men attend church? I heard one man say that men don’t like the idea of being pimped.

How could you get the people of a nation to destroy themselves? You could give them everything they think they need or want, especially food. Then neglect to warn them about the dangers of indulging appetites, intemperance, excess. MATT 23: 25 The very cause of the churches spiritual blindness, lack of insight and discernment.

OR did it know what I’m about to tell you? Where in the HOLY BIBLE does it say that food to some is an idol, discreetly? Wisdom of Solomon 13: 11 And you could also let hypocrisy go unchecked.

How’s the weather? Seems it was known that it would be a hot topic in the age where living in. What would make a super storm a perfect storm? Some called it sandy. MATT 7: 26 The Old Testament called it a whirlwind. JER 23: 19 If you ever manage to anger a Loving GOD JESUS , would you be able to pacify it?

Do you know what a theocracy is ? PSALMS 67:4 BE patient. Have you ever heard the saying, a word to the wise? Look it up. That’s because it would be a waste of time to share a warning with a fool. And how could decent people avoid disaster if even they avoid a warning?

Who are the people you care about in life? How many have you taken time to warn? The Gospels also mentions hypocrisy and weather. MATT 16 , LUKE 12:54 Could the weight of a storm or the seasons of the mind reveal the depths of the sin?

THE Old Testament also speaks about blind watchmen who are unable to bark, ( or warn the people.) ISAIAH 56: 10 Why? Here’s one definition of hypocrisy, it almost sounds like a woman’s point of view? The word hypocrite was used originally of Greek actors on stage, people who played a role expertly, often wearing masks.

But it came to be applied to anyone who covered up his true self and pretended to be something he was not. That is what human wisdom does. It is deceptive, evasive and clever at concealing it’s real character, aims and motives. The person who uses it answers you in ambiguous, dubious, confusing, and questionable terms so you cannot pin him down and know exactly what he is like, what he is thinking or what he is after.

He lives with his guard up and his mask on, seldom letting you know what he is really feeling. It is nearly impossible to develop any kind of mutually satisfying relationship with him. End of definition. Make’s you wonder how she copes with it? But here’s another it’s called the, bait and switch, look it up.

What’s been seen going on in the church or churches is one of the biggest and most deceitful, treacherous and fraudulent scams that’s probably ever been seen before.

And to get a better idea of what’s been going on in the churches. Do a word study of the word, treacherous. Use a strong’s concordance. And the only reason it went on as long as it did is because of the people’s generosity. Would your contribution to society be to feed hypocrisy? It’s like kindling a fire.

What value has any church put on the HOLY BIBLE? The good seed. HOW many other books has it encouraged you to read? I’ve seen a lot that have put very little faith in THE HOLY BIBLE. And I’ve already heard how many other books it’s tried to sell you that confirms that. PSALMS 124: 7

The reason I say that is, some churches take advantage of the people’s desire to worship THE LORD JESUS, and their hopes of salvation.

But to them THE LORD JESUS, the HOLY BIBLE and salvation are tools used to lure you to a church.

Then the bait and switch takes place.

With all the other sayings and idols, especially mary and paul, and all the other books, and the eating and drinking and rising to play goes on. Would that be hard to prove? Wait and see what it does today.

What happens when you set sober reflections along side intoxicated sermons and books? Eventually you begin to see the difference. It is also known that there are a lot of churches that have done a lot of charitable good.

But what many churches have presented to the people as being the way, is not the BIBLICAL WAY. It’s just different ways of paganism, and the BIBLE IS USED TO LURE YOU INTO IT. That’s when hypocrisy will search your heart, prove your worth, test your knowledge, challenge your character and leave you with a lot less, maybe.

AND I have been reminded that it is not good to accuse of hypocrisy people who have a zeal for the virtues that they have yet to be able to practice. And I agree, hopefully we can arouse that zeal. The LORD JESUS IS A JUST AND AWESOME GOD and anyone who calls upon his name would get all the help they need. JOEL 2:32

And a lot of people who attend church are known for being the most generous in America. A look at some churches reveals that.

Unfortunately to many churches have grossly abused and taken advantage of that generosity. And most have not been totally honest. BUT how do you know if it’s willful hypocrisy or just a lack of knowledge? Tell them the truth and see what they do with it.

What you win the people with is what you win them to. What is the quality of a people? The t.v. and the internet has discovered that, around the world, simply by what they watch. Why do you think it’s called the inter - ( NET ), and the world wide (WEB)?

How often and how far has the tv and hypocrite lead you to say, OK? Think of the tv as a tool, In the wrong hands. The tv has a target, YOU. What’s the goal? To take you down,, to it’s level. The t v is full of hell’s attractions.

Has the tv lead you into a healthy and respectful life? Or a liberal uncouth ignorance, anger and violence. Way has it been so easy to deceive, pollute and plunder the people? IGNORANCE and some were even stupid.

The word stupid get’s peoples attention.

And smart people will do something about it. TV like hypocrite two deceitful friends that will search your heart, prove your worth test your knowledge and challenge your character . What was it that tested Adam and Eve’s character and loyalty?

How many have treated the tv like a best friend? And even introduced it to their kids. I don’t own a tv but from time to time I have watched it. And from what I’ve seen it has tried to lead people into a uncouth and unadulterated ignorance. And a rebellious and spiteful behavior in the young and inexperienced. That may explain why so many churches with hold the truth.

The people do ERR, because of intoxicated minds.

ISAIAH 28:7, JER 23:9-32 What would you consider to be decent? DO you really know the definition of that word? OK, when was the last time you heard that word being used?

Keep reading and see how food money and recognition reveals character. What breed is most worthy of contempt, a deceitful breed. What breed is most of all worthy of contempt, blazing wrath and mindful whirlwind, A deceitful, covetous envying breed.

PRO 1:27 Fresh anxieties? PRO 10:25

A tempest alone would silence the tongue. What could possibly be more deceitful than a deceitful church? NOTHING! Did the congregation put their trust in lies, deceit and falsehood, the foundations of all human depravity? Hosea 7:13, Micah 6:11

All lies and falsehood will be swept away, ISAIAH 28: 14 Has your church pandered to a prevailing moral degeneracy? JER 5:30, 6:13, 29:9 I’ve heard people claim sobriety but they do some of the very same things that drunks do. You might say not true.

What about adultery? What if I’m speaking spiritually? Have you ever read the story of the sower? You may want to read it. You may see how to tie things up in the days were living in. MATT 13 What would some of the symptoms of drunkenness or food intoxication be? Chances are you’ve heard some churches say don’t trust or listen to your feelings.

I’d say, If you have them your not dead. And if you have actually been born again than you have the feelings, tastes and aromas to warn, guide and comfort you. Pay attention, sometimes it takes a quite spirit to discern them. I wonder if it was known that people would be told not to pay attention to their feelings.

How do you avoid your thoughts? Kind of sounds like the dead leading the dead. If you don’t think about your feelings do you ever think about your neighbors. Those who have a healthy thoughtful concern for self will usually have it for others. Another reason the LAW was given. TO protect them from the dead.

And If you keep reading in MATT 13 you will see that there were at least three reasons given as to why some couldn’t understand it or appreciate it. Thankless, or lacking in appreciation. Deficient in stability or the love to endure, and selfish, in the sense of self denial. MATT 13: 14 Because of food intoxication, the results of a full plate.

All that eating causes the body to spend more time digesting food and leaves little time to heal itself. And don’t forget to pray. There are some things that you can blame food for, but not knowing is no longer one of them.

In that chapter the words coarse hearts is mentioned, coarse could mean, rough, rude, raw and uncouth, deficient in refinement of manner and delicacy of feelings due to the numbness of the senses. Sounds like a drunkard or the dead. Sounds like some in the government, sounds like hollywood. AND WHAT ABOUT THE CHURCH?

So why would the common people be viewed different? Who do they vote for? (I know a name) What do they support? What do they do with their free time? The KJV say’s hearts waxed gross, stupefy – callous. Another way of saying that their minds had grown cold, dull and insensitive. Sounds like a drunkard. Are the people being desensitized? What could the TV be channeling ? And I bet you never thought about asking why ?

Because of food people have fallen into a spiritual topor, stupor, and lethargy. Stupefy means, astonished or stupid, the word callous is one you can search for yourself and most people know the definition of stupid or dolt. And if the dolt is smart he can do something about it. But most are not stupid. To many were to fleshy.


A biblical concordance and thesaurus are helpful. There are two more words to pay attention to when reading the story. MATT13 Understanding and perceive. When you read the story see how the word appreciation sounds when you see the word understanding.

Then see how the word consider sounds when you see the word perceive. Reading that parable also tells me that if you would like a bigger harvest then you need to do some weeding and remove the weeds, the thorns and stones and cultivate those areas, ( HEARTS ) also. What is the definition of thorns, do you have a desire for recognition? WHY, everything you do is already known and that includes your thoughts.

Thorns would also be an unhealthy desire for wealth and fine clothing. How stupid, ignorant, violent, immoral and Uncouth would you like the people to be? OR is there something else that you would like to bind them with? illicit sex? Then display it on the tv. Pollute and plunder the people then make a boast of millions.

And if your really good at it you’ll make the news. For some reason that sounds very warped. But what’s wrong with the media? It could actually reveal were a country is headed. If news channels praise it and parents call it entertaining, THEN why should the kids view it as something wrong.

If you have a thesaurus there’s two words that would describe a lot of what can be seen on the tv, UNCOUTH AND AFFECTATION and you probably know the definition of ignorance or unadulterated ignorance. How do things look in hollywood? Fun? Good influence?? OR BAD!

It’s a city of violence, pretense, fantasy and falsehood . How do you plant seeds of anger, violence and spiteful behavior? How could you bind them and make them ready for the pit. I know there just movies,, and games,,, but what an impact!

All that anger and violence seems to be a way of training the kids for it. Is it something they see and do daily? Its not something that young, precious and impressionable minds should ever see. It could cause them to have a disregard for life and the thoughts and feelings of others.

How many would be bound buy a common goal to wipe out the violence? Buy not supporting it. OR you could get a movie or a game pop a soda and have at it. Sound wholesome? Does your tv reflect any wholesome knowledge or intelligence? Or does it reveal what you like and agree with? Are we witnessing the end of the violence or will it get worse. The words gut wrenching aren’t even sufficient to describe it. Who would of thought that violence would eventually be played out in the real world?

And if you haven’t felt or seen it happy are you. But if have and you haven’t been affected by it you have a very, very cold heart! OO’BE CAREFUL little eyes what you see. LUKE 17:1-3 Think about it, hollywood is about as close to hell as you can get with a smile on your face, that hides what’s on the inside. Sin will offer and even give you all kinds of gifts as long as you will agree with the life style.

Sometimes what ignorance praises turns out to be it’s own destruction. I guess there are some things in life that are worse than being a DOLT! And the sower did outwit the enemy by binding the tares, to kindle the fire on cool nights. The gates of Hollywood seems to be open to all with a common destination.

Now chances are you have seen people getting in line for something in life. Food, movies, a sporting event or a book. Hopefully it was something nourishing and wholesome, not bewitching. Ever wondered what the GOSPELS say about tolerance? MATT 13:30 Do you know what time it is? How do you know when to answer the phone?

And that leads to a question, if you saw people getting in line for Heaven, what would you do? How fast could you do a self evaluation? If your mind was a library, and it is, what books could be checked out, what cd, DVD, or website? And how many different websites has the church , tv or radio station tried to keep you busy with? Or has the phone led you into a busy life, an ignorant haste? How much time is inundated with trifles?

Sounds like some hands found something else to play with? That’s fast, ay? ISAIAH 32: 4 Make sure you read that, you will be happy when it comes true. You have books on the left and books on the right, but there’s only one that can purge your mind and prepare you for the Kingdom of Heaven. THE HOLY BIBLE.

I wonder if the proceeds of all those books goes back into the ministry? Or were they just written to make a profit?? The opportunity to share freely today has been made easy. Now the force behind those books maybe easily seen, $$$ ?

Before the inter - -net, email and cell phones came along many didn’t have a busy life or tongue. Give the people a cell phone and you may not need anything else to bind them with. Cell- phone, spiritual prison. Just a SIMPLE MINDED observation.

You couldn’t use the word mature to define an adult who goes thru life with a phone in the hand. There are many characters in the HOLY BIBLE, which one would you reflect? How did that end? The HOLY BIBLE is the only book that can lead you out of the past and into the future. A sober awareness is essential to discover worth and meaning for our existence.

And a sober mind is something deceit finds very, Very, VERY frustrating, VERY FRUSTING. Will all hands be exposed? JOB 7 : 17 All mankind humbled. The times were living in reveals it. Things hidden or kept secret are being brought to light. I’ve read that somewhere.

Bless the people with discerning minds and what remains in the dark. YOU should take time to read the Gospels for yourself and pay attention as to how THE LORD JESUS reached out to lost, confused and lonely people. Hopefully you’ve viewed life as being something very serious! Lets see. Here’s something to think about. How serious are you about your faith? Then how serious should the church be when giving a sermon?

If your church doesn’t know how serious you are about your faith maybe you should remind them, wisely. Have you ever heard the saying, nobody likes a critic? I think that most people with a little common sense would agree that how much you eat is a choice you make, and so is life style. What does that say about how much people sin?

I’ve heard some say there were born that way? Sounds like what your saying is, that if you had a choice you would of chosen differently, right? A little twist there, AY. So what do you choose? And you may want to consider carefully the times were living in. IF you find yourself in a situation where you have the option of saying yes or no than you do have a choice. Now if you need help with saying yes to the good and no to the bad, then I know a name you can appeal to for help, JESUS

The name JESUS is the only name you need to appeal to, to receive all the help you need. Some churches try to lead people to invoke all kinds of different names and sayings. And it’s not necessary.

And it only leads to confusion, and they know that. Make the fruit good or make it bad. LK 6:39-46 And you can go around winking the eye and patting people on the back and telling them how well their doing then watch and hope for the best and wait and see what happens to them? OR you can be honest and tell the truth in love with a little seasoned persuasion and show them how to get help and sober up.

Hopefully this letter will be of some help to people who are not to familiar with the HOLY BIBLE and anyone who maybe to shy or timid, because of confusion, to ask for directions and needs a little amicable advice.

And how many care enough to ask?

How do you help people who maybe willing? Would understanding why, help to comply? This letter will give you an idea of what THE LORD JESUS can do for and with an ex-drunk and a grade school education.

A moderate diet ensures sound sleep, and a clear and sober mind will lead you to temperance. SIRACH 31 :20 You could also start with silent prayers, with the mind, three words, help me JESUS or help us JESUS, PLEASE. Silent prayers are the beginning of your journey. Your prayers maybe small but it’s a faithful heart that hears them.

I’d like to also give you an idea of how to share the GOSPEL with others without having to make claims of being Jewish or a Christian. And if you are a Hebrew you have more reason to fear than I do. How many calls to return have you heard? And all should know that THE LORD JESUS is a GOD of second and even third chances, even if you think it’s a slim one, it’s definitely one worth taking. MATT 8:15, LK 17:4

When sharing the Gospel try making an appeal to the heart. If YOU CAN’T TOUCH IT YOU’LL PROBABLY LOSE THEM. And if there’s no sense of decency you might be wasting your time anyway. Someone seeking freedom from religion? Be patient you won’t have to wait much longer!!

If THE LORD JESUS DIDN’T REDEEM SINNERS WHO WOULD MAKE IT TO HEAVEN? For those of tender conscience, a sensitive mind and familiar with their Bibles, I don’t Recommend reading this. You’re probably aware that the reading of other materials could be considered spiritual adultery.

The results of an indiscriminate curiosity and eccentric minds. Like all the other books you’ll find in a heathen religion. PRO30;20 She never thought she’d be discovered.

One of the main reasons for writing this letter is to let people know how seriously important, very important it is for people who are born again to read the HOLY BIBLE daily. But if you’ve been born again you already have that passion and desire. But there’s something else you need to be aware of... A deceitful church also knows how seriously important it is for you to ABIDE and remain faithful to the HOLY BIBLE.

And that’s why it will use every resource it can think of to draw you away from it. And from what I’ve seen there’s a lot of them. Food, money, lust and recognition seems to be the most popular. But to add to that confusion there’s false doctrine’s and books in abundance. Some writers will pump out more than five or six in a year. It’s usually a name that sales or sells, regardless of content. Sounds like being committed to deceiving. And that alone should give you an idea of what little thought was put into writing

Did Adam and eve forsake all dependence, the results of that lead to death. So why would any church be opposed to exclusive loyalty to the HOLY BIBLE? JER 2:13, 17:13 Its called having a conscious dependence upon the goodness of the HOLY BIBLE.

Kind of like a mother with a child. Who would of ever thought that a mothers compassion would be up for debate, even in the courts. Then there’s the web sites google this google that twitter this twitter that and yahoo this and yahoo that . And there’s even a tweet this and a tweet that. So you SEE some churches are like a light, but watch out for the web. What is a true bug? Some web sites can be helpful but if your not careful, very careful you could get wrapped up and have the life sucked right out of you, little by little. Like the effects of over eating… And a busy life. Do you want to eat your way to an early grave?


Here’s a little insight, ISAIAH 5 : 14 MATT 7 : 13 That’s another glimpse of how Wisdom reveals insights. Now think about who might follow you there. What if they said, why dad or why mom? Would you agree that people who enjoy exceptionally good health, are people who are very aware of and even picky about what they eat and drink and weather they do or don’t?

Then how much more diligent would you be when it concerns the spirit? What you read and don’t read. Being selective can keep you from one place or the other. So how do you know if your synagogue, church or preacher is qualified, competent or anointed to share the GOSPEL?

If you have discernment then you already know that answer. But if not I’ll try to help you with that. Keep reading and you’ll see how food, money and recognition can reveal it. A little warning egos will be bruised. That’s another danger of seeking a platform to preach from, hoping to be recognized. The flesh feeds on applause and you will be prompted if you fail to.

That’s what the flesh feeds on. Even the hearts of the common people have been searched by something called, Face – book. Something else you should be aware of. A deceitful church also knows how seriously important it is to make a direct appeal to a precise name to be saved, (born again) And that’s another reason for all the other sayings. IT’S called trying to erase the name of GOD, (JESUS) FROM YOUR MIND and the earth. JER23: 27

And one of the newer ones, father god seems to have pantheon roots. Seems that some churches and even some in government have done ok by deceiving intoxicated minds, It’s called a mutual agreement to deceive. NOW, let’s see what happens with sober ones. Have you ever heard the saying, god helps those who help themselves? That’s not biblical. BUT, this one is. WO, to those who do..

One of the reasons some churches have missed these things is because of the corruption that over eating leads to. Especially the effects that meat has on the spiritual senses, watch for the symptoms, LIKE RUST ON METAL. Do a word study of the word rust. IT REFFERS TO THE ACT OF EATING, especially meat and the effects that it has on the physical body.

And more importantly your spiritual faculties. Like discernment. And the results of that have lead to liberal, stunted Churches. OF all the books that have been pumped out by the churches why is it that none of them tell the people about what little is needed??? So why so many different books? They serve a purpose, there put forward, to mislead you. Don’t believe it? Keep reading.

Doctrines and books that have failed to bring forth good fruits, fruits that failed to ripen. JOB 5;14-16

You might say not true? I’D say keep reading and let’s see. And reveal your wisdom, hold your tongue. PS 141:3, ISAIAH 26:20 In the Old Testament the Prophets used the proclamation, Hear the Word of the Lord; OR, Listen with diligent and astute attention and understand what you hear.

And after reading some of the Old Testament and New Testament it seems like what they might have been saying was, appreciate the Word. Because when you do consider carefully what was and is being offered common sense leads you to listen with diligence and joy.

And that lead to cultivating some thoughts that lead me to see, The busy tongue is the guard against Wisdom, and by holding your tongue you cause the mind to investigate. ISAIAH 30: 15 With a tongue I can keep the simple from patting me on the back. And that same tongue can keep the wise at a distance.

A life of ignorance the tongue confirms. When you take time to listen you reveal an eagerness to learn. Your soul yearns for knowledge. But the flesh gets in the way and fills the belly. Your eyes and ears are the door to your soul, and what you put in your mouth can destroy both. WISDOM 6;12

Be careful of what you feed them. Too much conversation and the reading of different books is like fast food, You may find yourself relying on the discernment and judgments of others only to be robbed of your own ability to. But maybe that kind of food is fitting, for those who indulge in it. Do you know what it is that causes people to relinquish exercising their own powers of investigating?

Food a busy tongue and a busy life, TV, Cell phone. AND EVERY TIME YOU READ OTHER BOOKS AND WATCH THE TV YOU MISS YOUR VERY OWN OPPORTUNITY OF BEING FED, and it’s not worth the risk in the age were living in.

Those quick trust should learn to scrutinize and investigate. Developing a social and spiritual awareness is very important. If you don’t cultivate and develop those qualities you’ll end up following the mindless masses to the pit. And kindness is a quality we all should have. The blind, who are unable or unwilling to discern or judge.

You need a piercing discernment to see thru the disguises and delusions that false religions and politicians use to manipulate you. WHAT breeds ignorance? CONFUSION a busy tongue and busy life.

Some of the smartest people in the world have failed, because of mindless body guards, misdirected faith and ambition. To discern between truth and error you need to study the truth. The HOLY BIBLE is the only book that can fully exercise the spiritual senses and enable you to discern truth from error, and nourish a thought process that leads to your salvation.

How do you study THE HOLY BIBLE? You read and read, then give some serious thought about what you read. The Wisdom books alone would be a lifetime study. How often do I read the same verses over and over, I’m not sure. But at the time of writing this letter I still haven’t read THE WHOLE BIBLE yet. That’s about seventeen years. The time and effort spent in cultivating truth will always result in knowledge.

And the more time and effort you take to read it the greater the return. MK 4:24 Appreciation with sincere intentions leads to an abundance of insight. Hopefully the HOLY BIBLE is your food and drink. PS 111:5

Do you forget to feed your children? PSALMS 145:15 Neither does the LORD JESUS, read the HOLY BIBLE for yourself then you can put the other books and tapes on the scales and this letter also. When you read other materials you run a very serious risk of a spiritual miscarriage. That word has more meaning than you think. JOB 3;16 The HOLY BIBLE is meat for the soul and drink for the SPIRIT. PS 36:8

Other books and equivocal doctrines can simply creep in and choke your spiritual growth. When you reach out for other books are you saying that THE LORD JESUS and the HOLY BIBLE isn’t enough. Watch your appetites. Do you know the definition of appreciation? One drink of living waters far exceeds mans full bucket. JER 2;13, 17;13,

They shall be written in the earth, PAY ATTENTION, Let’s see if ignorance will call this coincidence, JOHN 8:1-9 A simple gesture or divine articulation ? What did you see? Implications of physical and spiritual adultery? Writing on the ground, a warning concerning the writing of books? Were they written in the spirit of humility, then who’s face is on the book? I’ve seen that intelligence and knowledge are also moral virtues.

Anyone looking for more evidence as to who THE LORD JESUS SAID HE WAS ,IS, AND WILL ALWAYS BE, THE GREAT AND AWESOME GOD OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. What if it was the ten commandments that were being written in the earth? More about that latter. Why so many different churches?

A secret, but a mutual agreement to deceive? A way of keeping the people wondering which way to turn. Where heart is true, the path is plain. IT also gives you an idea of the peoples lack of discernment, insight, knowledge and spiritual perception. It’s called ignorance, but not in the sense of being stupid, just uninformed, concerning something new or fresh and please try to remember that as you keep reading.

What are whispers from Heaven? What is discernment? How do you prepare a heart for the Good news or Great news of the Gospel? If words fail try some music. A heartfelt beat may touch the heart. Hopefully blindness, ignorance and busy life isn’t too well established. Because when it’s not there’s a good chance for good fruits. Silent prayers, anytime, anywhere, and everywhere.

You can prepare a heart for the Gospel, and when it leads to good fruits it leads to THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. Have you turned away, from the way, and chased the humbled dollar? What kind of friend would say your way is ok, and then watch and wait and see what your end would be?

And that’s exactly what he or she would be doing. For what kind of friend would say your way is ok, but dare not to do the same? ON the Day of Judgment such a friend would deny any kind of relationship with you. The thought of judgment alone demands a response, a beating heart.

And if you’ve ever experienced any of the more serious tempestuous seasons of the mind you would think twice before saying it’s ok to be a sinner. To tell a sinner his way is ok is another way of saying you’re in agreement. And if you’ve ever read any of the Old Testament you would see what that fate would be. And chances are yours would be the same.

And I didn’t say that, Sodom did. What happened to the two that lots daughters were to marry? Sodom was symbolic for barrenness and blindness, spiritually speaking, no time or desire for Wisdom. It also revealed avarice and unsatisfied appetites. So the fire sent, wasn’t content, with just purging. It too went unchecked till all was consumed.

Have you ever heard the words hate speech? Seems like the ones who use those words the most are revealing what’s in the heart. And it Sounds like judging. Be careful, do you remember the words, judge not least you to be judged.

Now you could tell a sinner his way is smoothly paved, but that doesn’t mean healthy and prosperous. It’s another way of saying his fate is sealed and destruction is eminent. SIRACH 21:10 Unless he repents.

And that’s why flattery is so destructive; it usually ends with the death of at least two people and never prepares you for anything unfortunate. And Don’t flatter self and make light of a warning. The results can be devastating. Ashes may not leave a lot of evidence, but for discerning minds it’s enough of a warning.

And in that story you may have seen a life style that tries to force itself upon a neighbor and others. What happened to tolerance and hospitality. Is that only my opinion or have you seen it too. That’s why it’s better to warn a sinner unless you don’t care.

That seems to of been the mind set of Sodom. Has the itch for wealth left sores on the head? That’s why I recommend being home schooled. And no students will be left behind. IS 1;18 The church should never try to put limitations on the power and ability of the HOLY SPIRIT, a wise woman is capable of raising her own children what need then for other help.

Here’s something that rusty, clouded, dazed and intoxicated minds have missed, and who can say it was hidden? A glimpse of a little biblical wisdom, referring to moderation concerning food, MATT 11;18-19, LK 7;33 Do you know the definition of the word sober? It means to be sparing with food and drink.

And its not good to spend to much time trying to sober up a willful drunk. It could cause you to miss someone who will listen. When are people born again? Are you ready to listen? Have you ever heard someone say they accepted, JESUS in their lives. When I hear that I can’t help wondering if they know what that sounds like.

Think about it and ask, Who did who a favor? I’ve heard people speak a lot about change so does the HOLY BIBLE, what kind? Restrain the appetites and watch, the best is yet to be seen.

There are two paths in life, TWO WAYS the wisdom books reveal both and so do the Gospels. SIRACH 24 The skillful way, or way of the simple (open to any influence) Senseless way. PRO 1:4

Deficient in intellectual and spiritual matters and informed judgment and no time for good ethics or etiquette. Such knowledge and manners ignorance avoids. PRO 1;3-7 And if you don’t do something with your own kids then someone else will. And if you don’t teach them who or what is. What has been seen on t.v.? Why do kids behave the way they do? A full plate? Veggies and fruit OR PRO 15:17, 23:20-21 That was mentioned in the first letter, now you see the results of falling to heed warnings.

A serious risk of a fall. MATT 7:26 A slip on the pavement is better than a slip of the tongue, and the fall of the wicked comes just as fast. Ben Sirach

It’s Better to listen to silent covert warnings or you could wait for the mindful and physical ones. And here’s something to be mindful of. The physical ones usually heal it’s the mindful ones that you can’t do anything about. Some have reached for a pill to avoid the mindful ones.

But that usually seals their fate unless they find healing. You probably know many who didn’t find that. And now you realize how important a name is. If you avoid the name, who brings the healing. Two key words to healing, prayer and patients, and how much help do you need from the doctor ? How much do you depend on the necessary foods of mortals? Ben Search (Ecclesiasticus )38: 1-15

And remember all I do is share a warning your experiences good or bad are usually the results of your choices. Warnings when heeded leads to good fruits. PLEASE read the rest of that chapter and you’ll see why I encourage people to share and appeal to the name JESUS and not the other sayings. MATT 6:9 LK11:2 THROUGHOUT THE EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. JOEL 2:32, ACTS 2:21 AND that was the main message in the first letter.

A letter that some churches had at least fifteen years to think about. (A discreet list may follow later) So it cant be said that the church didn’t have time to make changes. How far to the left have some churches gone. Before embracing a church make sure you know what’s in both hands. And you better learn how to listen.

I wonder what the response will be when the congregation starts asking questions? Had the church’s heeded the warning’s this letter probably would not of been necessary. I wonder if that’s an indication of how much or how little the churches care about your well being, and what about your soul.

If you have a desire to learn, you can be taught, PRO 17:24. Hopefully you will read the Bible, THEN IT’S your duty or I should say privilege to put it into practice.PRO1;4, 1PET,2;2 SIRACH 15;14 So If you do read this letter, that is your choice.

I encourage people to have faith that the LORD JESUS will lead them without the help of other books , or letters, the teacher of such who receive truth and instruction with pleasure. PRO 9;8, 26;4 The HOLY BIBLE is the only book that can nourish a spiritual creation. The WISDOM BOOKS, a good place to start. PRO 22:3, 27:12 Their another way of negotiating a meeting. Think about that before the judgment.

They cultivate the mind and prepare it for the reading of the rest of scriptures, and leads to a genuine and Godly wisdom. And helps to develop a sane and workable attitude towards life. PRO1;23, PS 4; 1-4 , IS 12;4, 55;6, SIRACH 15

Faith comes by hearing, hearing what? The good news of the Gospel. Then hopefully you will take time to read about it. Verse upon verse stirs up action, a response, from a heart that believes.

If you have followed false doctrines you’ll need help to rebuild. MATT 7;24, LK 6;47 JAMES 2;14 PAY ATTENTION, EZE 33:12

Those verses are for the lazy liberal, stunted church, they refer to a desire, but I’ve heard some call it work, or works, if you’re not lazy. Faith and no works doctrine, that sounds like a church that would be to lazy to help you. Why not?

The suit is already dirty. But some might say Abraham didn’t have the LAW. Yes but Abraham had a keen spiritual discernment that would of enabled him to discern the promptings of THE HOLY SPIRIT. And anyone who has truly been born again already knows that. IF you would like to see the discernment you already have rise to another level read the Wisdom books.

And how often has that church encouraged you to read the Wisdom books? Now you know why, not. Who would of thought a church would tell you that there are no rewards for obedience in heaven. Can you recognize the deceitful schemes that are used to keep you from simply trying.

And about action, the resulting action should be obedience that leads to conversion, disobedience, conviction. JOB 11;13-20,,( ISAIAH 30; 15 ) How many churches are the product of what it has called pauls Gospel? And depending on what church you attend that gospel could waver a lot.

Ask a church that prays to a woman what it thinks about pauls gospel. Then ask why he didn’t pray to a woman or encourage others to do so. That would be a very good time to listen for the hustling tongue.

IT WILL TEST YOUR WITS. How many have actually read the letters of paul? He actually revealed a journey that was a bit exhausting. But he also said that you are saved by Grace not works. Then he also said that his journey was like running a race, and even mentioned wrestling.

How much strength, perseverance and dexterity does that require? And have you ever ran in a race? Those who run fast are prone to stumble. And from what I’ve seen its very tiring and requires a lot more effort than just a little work.

And both events have rules, laws. Paul also encouraged his readers to be blameless. Does that sound legalistic? To be blameless you would have to keep the whole law. Why would a church say your works or efforts don’t matter? To keep you from making one.

Did it work? Has your church revealed good works or works of deceit? It is guilty of one or the other. Are you?? Have you seen the works of deceit? How many hearts have been searched? Eventually you’ll see why I didn’t follow a lot of churches by patting paul on the back.

And from what I’ve read he didn’t finish well. AND, you could ask any church about a full plate then listen for the mingling. But it might get moody if you ask about two or three full plates a day.

Sounds like paul was baiting the thief. And why did paul make a complaint about going hungry? Any church that has two or three full plates a day will wake up struggling and stumbling.

How fast could you prove that to be true?

How much do you eat a day?

What do you struggle with? Does that sound like something a friend or brother or sister would tell you.

It sounds like something the church should of told you. PRO 24 : 11 Can you rescue those who are stumbling? Instead of a church looking for excuses to avoid the law it should give some very serious thought about the reasons to make an effort.

Now If you do continue to read this letter what Is mentioned Is FOOD FROM HEAVEN, REVELATIONS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, and some thoughts concerning a warmer climate. And if the earth did warm up a little then waters frozen in time would begin to flow.

Some may say coincidence, from time to time, but how often before it’s considered insight and what is discernment ? And 9-11, an emergency call from HEAVEN? Or a revealing judgment. Do you lack insight, what about discernment? Also, an invitation to PRAISE, and another way to share the gospel that reveals GRACE at work and flows straight to the CROSS.

But will begin with the Old Testament. PSALMS 95 And you can read from there. Also, some thoughts concerning the churches lapse into paganism. I’ve seen them try to teach others about matters that they have yet to understand. And if your waiting to see the apostasy than you missed it.

How can I say that? What is the definition of that word. Have you heard them speak about food? Where’s the temperance? Or at least some self control?

The HOLY BIBLE teaches that obedience and moderation when put into practice leads to more enlightenment which leads to temperance concerning all areas of the flesh. Eating organic is good but gluttony covers all foods. Some fruit or an egg and a piece of toast and I’d be good for the day. If I ate at all.

And If I chose to only eat dinner temperance would be there as well. I don’t say, don’t touch this or don’t touch that, I simply make you aware of your choices, then be mindful of the experiences that follow. PRO 15:17 Better a dinner of herbs with a peaceful mind, then a fatted ox that tries it.

Where’s the warring mind? The choices you make are respected and the consequences are yours to bear or enjoy. And you can always ask for help. Seeing the results of choices is not always seen right away.

But there are something’s that can be. Take a look at a Church that a makes a good effort and another at one that didn’t. I’ve heard people speak about persecutions and trials and tribulations of the mind. PRO27:22 Where’s the discernment?

The church will make light of them and call it part of the journey, another way of looking for someone or something to blame instead of looking within. It’s also a way of keeping you from searching and investigating the scriptures to discover for yourself the reasons. The scriptures do speak about trials and tribulations.

I’ve heard it said it’s a way of bringing about change. For stiff necks that maybe necessary. But what do you do when you met a humble people? Enjoy their company. DISCERNMENT, The ability to grasp or comprehend with the mind or the senses that which is obscure to the average mind, and the ability to judge present circumstances with the view to future success.

But sometimes they are part of the journey but far too often it’s the results of dangerous appetites. Far to often people create their own trials and tribulations. Listen to the complaints then observe lifestyle. I would say make a trial of your meats and see if they turn and try the mind.

What’s the reason for a cloudy and stuffy head and nose? A healthy mind is obtained thru prayer and healthy food, sounds like common sense. Anyone enjoying good health and long life? Then you know the force behind prayer and self control.

If you want to open the door to sickness and diseases then have some chicken with that cow and pig. Then don’t forget to wipe their noses, the kids. Your bodies don’t have a clue of what to do with all that meat!! NUMB 11 : 20 What’s the definition of numb? What generation would reap the suffering? If you grow weary of healthy warnings your body will pay for it! Suffering is a call to repent not the results of repentance.

That’s also from experience. And the little I’ve experienced was the results of something I ate, said or did. A lot of churches have said that suffering is part of the journey. I say scrutinize their appetites closely. JESUS IS THE SOURCE OF BLESSING, NOT SUFFERING. What generation would listen to a warning and pass on the blessing?

Something else you should know, another biblical definition for the word strong drink, (noisy, falsehood, arrogance ) and would be anything that causes the mind to become inebriated or intoxicated. ISAIAH 28:8

Wine and strong drink,( wine and conversation) The spiritually minded knows that also includes conversation, especially books and doctrines that are filled with bad INFLUENCES, Srong Drink. PRO20:1, 23: -35, SIRACH 37:27 ISAIAH 29:9 Strong drink-Bad influences, Strong’s concordance, investigate. Hypocrisy is a very corrosive and corrupting influence, it abuses and takes advantage of peoples generosity.

The doctrine of hypocrisy, live and do as it does and if you get an ignorant following you’ll prosper. PRO 30: 11-14 WISDOM 5:8 Now you see the reason for most of your unpleasant seasons of the mind, self inflicted blows. Where are the wounded soldiers? And instead of whining about a meager diet ask and pray for the help to live it, you’ll be glad you did. NUM 21:5

The scriptures speak about a new heart are you willing to investigate? What is it to be sanctified? Have you truly been born again? It is an experience! That you will never forget and will change your life forever. The HOLY SPIRIT is sent to live within you and enlighten you in every sense of the word. It is not an intellectual decision.

Some churches will say that if you said a certain prayer that they believe you’ve been born again. But that sounds like their decision? And it sounds like they have tried to belittle and make light of a very awesome experience!! What is spiritual maturity? Slow careful consideration, especially about life.

How long can you be still and take time to listen? The Sabbath would discover that. ISAIAH 30:15 Are you content with reading the HOLY BIBLE? Prudence is also a mark of maturity, PRO 22:3, 27:12

And be careful of what you tell others they may hear the results of your own disobedience. How many books have revealed that truth? PRO 27:22 See how fast they fall, ever heard of a meat diet? Sirach 20:18 Prudence and discretion keeps discerning minds from learning the hard way, painful experiences. Anyone ever had a succession of painful experiences? PS 107

A discerning mind would recognize the reason for the first one and learn from your mistake. And We all have made mistakes, but what a JOY it brings when we learn from them. Does it really take a painful succession of melancholy experiences before you learn from them? Or is it still a riddle to you? A DISCERNING mind can avoid, the sinner’s troubles! A discerning mind can avoid the lash, and maybe now the drunkard will. LK 15:1-7, 21:34 Stay sober and wake up.

People in the world live with a terrifying battle against ignorance.

Why pollute your own body not to mention your kids. Feed them toxins and chemicals and YOU turn them into a toxic dump. Remember the day may come when they ask why, and what will it cost you then? How do you bury a loved one? A full plate, a full glass and latter, you kiss the coffin very sad.

Do you know why a lions intestines are about three times its body length and ours about twelve times ? Check out a web site, blood sweet and tears and 1000's of other toxins in meat.

What could be worse? Please read, Filling the kids with flesh and fast food is like the kiss on the cheek. Is a mother’s love a test? OR, a sure thing. Motherhood could be a test of character and an opportunity to be a wholesome influence.

A promoter of good health and well being to the mind and spirit. Would you throw dangerous appetites at your children in the hopes of obtaining more of the humbled dollar?? What’s the parents hope then?

That by the time the child realizes that he or she has a choice their minds are to dull and insensitive (APATHY) to care about life and what they eat. You might say not true. But do you, prove that to be true?

And so goes another depraved and corrupt, materialistic generation. ILL, Diseased and rusty souls, minds. How much value do you put on life? What do you treasure? What do you get serious about? What about your kids? What you eat and drink would reveal how much you value the life you’ve been given. Some may have to reveal how much they value life before they taste the Spirit! And if you’ve been born again then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

When I say, feelings, tastes and aromas of the HOLY SPIRIT! Moral integrity is necessary if you hope to understand the scriptures. And discover the secrets to effective living. Where’s the concern for the intellectual and spiritual matters. The church say’s give, give, read this, read that, buy this, buy that, so the congregation will feed the churches dangerous appetites, then the congregation goes away hungry and unfed, maybe. How can I say that? How much do you eat a day? Something to think about AY ?

Do you wake up in the morning without an appetite? Can you work all day without an appetite? I’m trying to give you an idea of what little is needed after being born again. And it’s thru the influence of the HOLY BIBLE that lives are changed. Why hasn’t the church told you what little is needed? To busy telling you how much it needs. Did it know? Or does it know exactly, what it’s doing? What about the government?

That to would be a sinister and baleful breed. So why so many food commercials, and books for sale? Church like government you might have seen them tied up plotting and scheming new ways to plunder intoxicated minds. There even seems to be a code of silence among some parents. What do you feed your kids??? WHY???

What do you do with a church who’s soul intention was to pollute and plunder you. You won’t have to be concerned about that. Sounds suspicious, but some interesting questions, and very serious. ISAIAH 33:16 Does fear seize the hypocrite? One purse between them all? Then why would he be angry, got caught. PRO 1:14, ISAIAH 56:10-12 Bind them in bundles, I’ve read that somewhere.

HOPEFULLY that will give you an idea of how important it is to proclaim and appeal to the DIVINE NAME, JESUS WITH OUT WAVERING. TO make sure you receive all the help you’re going to need. What the congregation needs is a church with the courage, to tell the TRUTH, not with hold, conceal, hide or disguise it. That’s called suppressing the TRUTH, and hindering the congregation.

How can you HOPE to receive what you have kept from others? What do you know that others in the congregation don’t know? LIKE the way to peace. That should also give you an idea of how important it is to share the name JESUS with others without wavering.

It’s the churches own various appetites, (ITCHES) of the belly that reveals their own folly, shame and nakedness, especially If they’ve spoken in public.

Speak in public and you run the risk of being rebuked publicly . THE LIMELIGHT, (RECOGNITION) DEADLY AMBITION, USSALY THE RESULTS OF PRESUMPTION . Self, exaltation ISAIAH 2: 12 And fleshy souls with cloudy minds that lack a discerning awareness have been hoodwinked, DECEIVED, cheated, duped, swindled, tricked, Imposed upon AND VICTIMISED. PRO 28;18

Just to fuel those various Itches, and the unpredictable flesh. And the people were left lost, unfed and plundered, or were they? THEY were counting on ignorance. What kind of ignorance ? Active ignorance, essential ignorance, Passive ignorance, or enlightened ignorance?

They had absolutely no intention of revealing to you the way to a true conversion, a true salvation of your soul, because the true conversion of the soul follows sincere repentance. If the church believes itself to be enlightened and civilized then telling the truth should be easy.

Ask your church to give you it’s definition of the word repent. Then ask it to give you a clear definition of what it calls works. What’s the definition for scruples, AND HONESTY, and SCOFFERS, What is integrity, of character? PRO14:2 The way of the lawful is honesty, the hypocrites is to deceive, like minds will be found together. The mind of the rich man and hypocrite are enslaved by a limited knowledge, nothing but dangerous appetites. What’s the scheme today?

And some thought a full plate was something to boast about? A full plate like wealth is not always the sign of blessing, if it was it never would of lead to the destruction of so many. SIRACH 31:5 Why do some people eat so much? Because the thoughts of the mind and the everyday conversation is so empty? Your mind was created to converse with THE LORD JESUS.

The law is the light that reveals the man, thank goodness for the GRACE that helps him to be the best he can be. Perfection like the law isn’t the enemy, they keep us focused on a destiny. GRACE leads the lawless to the law and makes them aware of the two ways in life. Kind of like an elevator.

THE WORD was given to fallen man to take them to another level. That means you. LOVE went to the cross for us. LK 21:28 AND now would be a good time to woo his favor then to be outside of it. Where there is no vision the people perish, without THE WORD people perish, PRO 29:18 How long have you been in the wilderness?

Your appetites reveal it. Your appetites reveal a lot more about you then you realize. When you fail to read the HOLY BIBLE you’ll end up serving the belly and other dangerous appetites.

If you happen to be someone with a big appetite don’t be discouraged simply let that appetite be for the WORD. Some might say that being over-weight is hereditary in some people, just as there are tall and short people. Then a moderate diet and fasting could confirm that. There was a time when I weighed about two hundred and twenty pounds, at five’ seven. I’ve heard the church point out lifestyles and faults to avoid, even some in the bible.

But what happens when the tables are turned and some of the churches faults are brought to light? Why call it evil? Why would evil sound the warning, if it already has you? Your own appetites are robbing you and leaving you spiritually blind, the thief. Stay sober. Seems they avoid speaking about the ones they do and the ones they praise leaves you thinking there ok. BOOKS, A cleaver deceitfulness.

And I’m just speaking about some of the basics, food and drink. Something else you should read PRO 9;8, 24;24, 27;5

When you become a child of the kingdom you are expected to practice a morality and temperance stricter than that of others.


Did your church miss that to?? Sad to say, probably not. A growing light brings with it a greater responsibility. Is eating a hidden and insidious vice that leads to a rusty mind?

Like a veil that clouds the mind. You’re going to need help, JESUS IS THE ANSWER, And daily prayer. Eating could be compared to a disease that develops so gradually as to be so well established before becoming apparent. And spiritually speaking, the doctrines of hypocrisy.

Secret and deceptive, creeps in unaware. The essence of deception is that you are unaware that you are being deceived. Have you ever seen false claims of divine attributes, claims of being blest with the HOLY SPIRIT? How can I say that? Please read, WISDOM 1:4-5

Do you hear the word god said a lot? WHY ? INTOXICATING INFLUENCES, FALSE TEACHERS with Dangerous appetites, please read, Philippians 3:19 How could so many churches lead people to read so many other books? There quick to lead you to read their own books. So why wouldn’t they at least tell you about the Wisdom books in the Apocrypha? The word apocrypha means things kept hidden.

You may know why now. Wisdom 16:26 That one verse makes it very clear as to what little is needed. Sounds inspired to me. But those are the only two books in the apocrypha that I have actually read. Wisdom of Solomon and Ben Sirach.

Maybe their afraid you might see something, Their hypocrisy. What kind of artful deceit is that? Then make claims of being born again. Another hope of a deceitful tongue is that you never find Wisdom. For them deceit is a common everyday practice. They encourage it, nourish it, and even praise it. Sober minds are not impressed by deceit and clever speeches. Do you know the definition for the word gall?

Deliberately spiteful designs. And what about presumptuous pride? PR0 11:2 It may fool some of the people some of the time, but eventually their tongues will betray them. Then chagrin follows the captivity. At times in the Old Testament when enemies were captured they would be stripped naked then paraded in public.

All hands exposed. At other times when the false teachers were arrested they would be put in prison and their food would be served with gravel in it. PRO 20:17 Another verse to read, PRO 26:28 Do we hate those whom we hurt, or hurt those whom we hate? Or do we love those that we help instead of the usual observation that we help those we love. Have you ever heard it said, you will know them by their fruits! Wisdom's way of saying, you will know them by their appetites and doctrines. MATT 7:15

Fruit is something you eat, appetites are something to watch for and the fruits of the tongue calls for discernment.

What part of that don’t people understand?? What is the evidence of being born again? What little can you survive on a day? What kept the Churches from telling you about these matters? Is your Church known for it’s temperance or pert, flippancy?

What is the narrow way? And what is the broad way ? ISAIAH 5:14 MATT 7 : 24 LK 6:49 And do a word study of the word , glutton. ( To be blown down ) PRO 23:21 What did JESUS say to his contemporaries of his days? Whitewashed tombs, whited sepulchers ? Translation, sarcophagi, sarcophagus - flesh eaters. Matt 23:27 Keep reading.

You want to be sure of the genuineness of the pearls? Try getting in the water for yourself. What kind of fruits have you seen and heard in the churches? Here’s something to read, then decide for yourself. JOB 36: 10-14 , Another verse to pay attention too! MATT 23:27-28

What’s the definition of the word uncleanness there, and unclean in JOB 36:14?? (NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE) I wonder if the words sodomite or temple prostitutes would reflect what’s been seen in some churches?? NOW you have an idea of why too many churches have focused more on the letters of paul then on the very words of THE LORD JESUS in the, FOUR, Gospels.

To conceal the truth or convey untruth is inviting the death of any wholesome human relations. Do you really hate or Love the people in your audience or congregation? Then why would you lie too or deceive them and only tell have truths? PRO 26:28

Another definition for temple prostitute would be someone who would sell themselves to do wickedness, cause others to err or go astray. Would you throw your own kids into the fire? Or give them up to be temple prostitutes. What is apostasy? What is syncretism ?

Watch for the deception of deceitful doctrines, moral insensitivity, and ethical departures from truth and the law. Just because some people have a limited knowledge and lack discernment and have failed to acknowledge the power and presence of THE LORD JESUS, doesn’t mean that one day they won’t.

And just because some churches haven’t experienced some of the things mentioned in this letter doesn’t mean that they won’t. So what you choose could lead to a mindful blessing or stormy, painful experience. Have you seen false representations of just and true measures, a true biblical faith. PSALMS 127 MATT 6:25, 7:21

If you’ve ever watched tv religion, object lessons for discerning minds, two in particular, ewtn and tbn. One uses a delusive and brutish eloquence, the other doesn’t care what you see, fits of the flesh. Then you’ve seen divine patience concerning hypocrisy..

And even blasphemy concerning the, HOLY SPIRIT, and that is really devastating. Hopefully you’re not a part of that and not supporting it! What would be the reason for all that frenzied preaching?

To arouse intoxicated minds to a frenzied giving. And you’ve probably seen the false enthusiasm, over expression, and heard a lot of exaggerated stories. IF you happen to watch those programs, next time give some thought about the word scrutiny and think about the word deceit.

Its no different then watching a soap opera. If an actor isn’t good at what he does he doesn’t get paid. Do you think they know? Mail them a letter. When you’re telling the Truth and not trying to deceive, then all that false enthusiasm and over expression is not necessary.

Even kids can recognize a performance when they see one, PARENTS.Think of a time when you were telling the truth. Now think of a time when you might of told a lie, if you did. Then think of how much effort you thought was necessary to try to convince. Watch the table talk and facial expressions.

From what I’ve seen there even having trouble convincing themselves, now .. What’s the reason for lies, fear? Would that reveal a lack of courage? And pay close attention to the politicians. PSALMS 52 PROVERBS 16: 29 In PRO 1:10 It speaks about sinners who try to entice others to follow their way of life, with a blazon, brazen and Radical invitation, that ends in shame!

The word, sinners, their means, those who miss the mark, fail in the performance of duty, and thus miss the aim of life.

And the noun there means, professional sinners. In the world that could refer to a lot of different professions. But were speaking about spiritual matters.


So the words, professional sinners could be the church or synagogue. And the job or racket would be willful hypocrisy for sordid gain, regardless of what happens to your soul. In verse eleven it speaks about the shedding of blood. And to rob the blind of their wages is like shedding their blood. SIRACH 34:21-22 And Regardless of what happens to their soul, PRO 1:12

And if they fail to repent what you see is a scurry bunch of hypocrites trying to hang on for whatever they can get. In PRO 19:15 The word idle is used in the sense of, deceit, to delude, offend and betray so as to cause to fall. Because it’s deceitful souls that have missed the mark, and the wheat of Heaven. PSALMS 111:5 SIRACH 37:20

LOVE is to hate the things that would be harmful to others. And when you learn what it is that the HOLY BIBLE disapproves of then you learn what it Loves. TRUTH and honesty, faithfulness.

If someone took the church to court and you gave the jury a BIBLE what would the verdict be? I’ve seen what happened even without it. Give thanks for second chances. Hard to believe that people would actually watch it much less believe it and even support it. Why such divine patience? Hopes of repentance. Hypocrisy can be a very corrosive and corrupting influence especially among the young and inexperienced. The experience of wisdom says to analyze, dissect, break down, resolve, investigate, test, and examine (thoroughly) what you hear, see and perceive.

Then make a right judgment of the relative value of things. And decide for yourself what is essential and nonessential. IT’S called a critical analysis to determine genuineness. The Wisdom books are not for everyone, there for people who want to know. Licentious behavior could be another. Licentious, wanton, reprobate, dissipation, carnal, laxed in constitution.

Having no regard for accepted rules, standards or morality. Lawless and immoral. NO control of appetites or passions. Abusive of freedoms and accepted rules. The TEN COMMANDMENTS

And no church has authority to change any of them. Their only intention was to convert you to their religious sect, and not a true conversion. LK 11:24-28 Big business. Because I know of only one HOLY FATHER, THE LORD JESUS. The EXODUS reveals, lessons to learn from. NUMBERS 11;31 Hopefully you’ll read about the entire journey, and understand the lessons.

TIME to leave the wilderness.

When the people’s knowledge is challenged, will the church risk a mutiny. I would like you to know that I don’t seek to shame or embarrass any church because I know that there are some who just lack knowledge and missed the way. But I’ve seen the Intentions of another and the intentions of them all will be seen SHORTLY.

Besides, how can i shame a church i don’t attend. Shame is not something others can bring upon us. Shame is the results of actions and the tongue. And if its true its not slander. And if what I’ve said is false, then only the ignorant would believe it, shame only prevails when your reason is defeated, or your guilty, which the conscience confirms. And who’s not? Your conscience is the audience of your thoughts and thanks to your tongue others are. The tongue can reveal knowledge or the cause of ignorance.

What is conscience, the silent court of justice, of an impartial judge, jury and witness with the verdict. Tongues that no bribe can silence. THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER LORD JESUS FOR YOUR GRACE, that brings peace and joy and wipes out guilt and shame. With the Baptism of THE HOLY SPIRIT. With me it began with a born again experience that lead to a burning desire to read and that lead to peace, joy and songs of praise. Now naturally when that happens with people they will feel like singing, and the quality of their songs will be as fresh and new as their experience.

A contrast between the raucous, boisterous and disorderly music that offends good and decent ears. The kind of music that beauty lovers delight in and provides an arresting thought. And hopefully those who hear the songs of joy will recognize a force that they missed earlier in life. And hopefully turn and have a reverent regard for the unseen power that can make men who once were in horrible pits sing so cheerfully.

And at the same time gain a healthy giving alarm as to their own condition, knowing that they cannot join in those songs unless they to put their trust in THE LORD JESUS. Joyful are they who put their trust in that name.

Happy are they who’s transgressions are forgiven.

But I’ve also heard some music that says the gift of speech should have been withheld. I wonder if some music could be an indication of a destination? What is GRACE? A divine influence upon the heart. The opportunity to be born again. A free gift, but if there was anything worth striving for in life, Being born again would be it.

That one experience alone over shadows all past events and washes away all thoughts and feelings of guilt. (That also comes from experience.) After that it’s up to you as to how long that JOY will last. Watch your choices. Being Thankful is a good one. I didn’t know how or when the atheist would be mentioned but something just happened that told me now would be a good time to say something.

But if he or she has any discernment at all then they’ve seen that I just did. And if the atheist ever considers going to a church here’s another warning to think about. Be careful with some of the doctrines you hear.

I’ve even heard some that try to make a monkey out of you. Evolution has said that man evolved from an ape, really. Was he full grown or a baby? Then who nurtured the little baby? Because that would of also taken a Divine intervention. Some times a verbal rebellion reveals an inner longing to know.

If the atheist ever wakes up in the morning feeling thankful who does he give thanks to? Sometimes common sense doesn’t seem to be to common among common people. Why go thru life as an object lesson. Unless you’re like a piece of coal. Evolution pretends to explain what it cannot prove. And no I’ve never had the mind of an atheist. And if I were to mention the word intellect, you should know that’s also a gift.

Another is an intense mental application to study the, WORD. Allowing ignorance to go on to long is another form of child abuse, like hypocrisy. Does an atheist think the congregation has been deceived, duped and even taken advantage of ? I wonder how many books he bought, that don’t even offer any HOPE! And what happens when all those readers realize that money was be-hind it all?

Take a look around you everything you see was made or created by someone. And that is easier to believe than what evolution has tried to sale, or sell, some of you. Do you have a dictionary??? How fast could you define the theory of evolution? I’ll share something I heard. Write down all the words you can think of.

Then take all those words and wrap them around some explosive. After the boom see if you have a dictionary. That’s fast AY? I liked that one to. Keep playing dumb and you may end up looking like a fool. And if you keep playing dumb to long it may call for further explanation. Then you would really be embarrassed. Let the church also think about that. Not worth the risk just to sell another book.

Why dawdle the day away with such books. And yes dawdle is a word, dawk is not, scavenge is a word and so is undesirable. A lack of knowledge could make you an easy target. And If the targeted audience is ignorance how much is the applause worth? Have you ever noticed that during discussions of the foolish theory of evolution you never here words like love or thankful, so I won’t mention compassion.

Science tends to avoid that word also. Why, he’d have to think about it. And some atheist like others who have missed the way may have been waiting to hear or see a more convincing love. OR, all you have to do is wait and see what happens. If the fear of hell would cause others to serve then why be opposed to it.

He would be better off then someone who serves because of a craving for more, then looks for righteous reasons as an excuse to justify the chase. How do you get people to reach for the Light? Can they see what’s reflected in the mirror?

When is reproof necessary when shame fails to encourage, and discernment is lacking. Have you seen sickness and disease around the world? Could that be the results of generations of bad choices? I think so. The results of chasing a full plate. And a disregard for true wisdom. Any sicknesses today? What were the choices yesterday?

I know that blaming past generations brings little consolation. But there’s something for this generation to consider. If this generation does nothing, then the next may suffer for it. AND, Yes that means your children or there’s and so on.

What if the day comes when you have to say to them, sorry you ate it all, or, there is no more. ISAIAH 58: 9 Giving up a full plate isn’t just to benefit you. Its to benefit the next generation. That would be your children. It also reveals that your not greedy or selfish. You may not fill guilty for a wrong act, but the natural consequences will, nonetheless be forthcoming.

Sickness, Diseases and plagues have confirmed that, is it worth the risk? The lawless fear a reproof on life, and any scrutiny, listen carefully and hear excuses for head strong behavior and gratifying whim. And the mingling of truth and hypocrisy. At the first sound of reproof hypocrisy cries legalism, WHY? Pay attention to life style.

And it’s the church that intentionally deceives that doesn’t want to be reproved. The church with your best interest in mind is always open to reproof when it benefits your well being. Is your church a Holy place? What would you consider to be a HOLY PLACE?

I’ve seen you wouldn’t find a bathroom there. And you definitely wouldn’t find an idol there like a tv. What’s the reason for that, to hear the preacher, no, to see him or watch sports. How much time do you really have to read the HOLY BIBLE?? IS the congregation confused, confounded, disappointed and ashamed? Sick and tired of being sick and tired? What is the wheat of heaven? EZE 36:25- AMAZING GRACE.

IS GRACE and beauty to be found in a woman with a full plate? OR is that, what is called (whoredom) Apostasy ?

Do a word study, Highly fed. NUM 25- HOSEA 4:11 What would the significance be of the javelin in the belly? Are you beginning to get the point? Filling the belly can lead to all kinds of adultery, sickness and disease and no spiritual discernment.

Does your church offer to help you, then say come lets roast a pig? The congregation needs help, they need to know the truth. Watch out for the wiles of deceit, treacherous deceit. Do you know what a pisstacrite is?

A lying angry bunch because they’ve been found out.


And remember its not because of any circumstances going on outside the church that determines its rise or fall, it’s the condition of the hearts of the people within the church that determines its rise or fall. And the OLD TESTAMENT will confirm that.

The law is a declaration, or a revelation of the heart, mind and character of THE LORD JESUS. SURLY you found nothing wrong with that. Has your church called the character of the LAW bondage or a burden? WHY? Take a closer look at their lifestyle. THE LAW when observed will keep you from violating the rights of others.

The Law was given to be a further blessing to people who have been delivered. Knowing the kind of scholar that paul was do you really think he missed that? If your preaching a life changing Gospel how long does it take for that life to change ? How long have the churches been around, how did they miss it? And if the churches get tired of setting mary and paul on a pedestal.

I’m sure they wouldn’t hesitate to present something or someone else to the people. And it wouldn’t matter if it stood on four legs or two as long as there’s money to be made from it. Compare the Gospels, and pay attention to the teachings in the story of the rich man and lazarus.

We could also call that the story of Abraham. LK 16:19 Now the reason I say to pay attention to the instructions in that story is because I believe that the LORD JESUS knew even then what kind of doctrines would be among some deceitful churches. And if you’ve ever listened to radio or tv sermons then you’ve probably heard a lot about a faith and not works of the law doctrine.

And that’s also when you’ll hear a lot of weaving and mingling of words. And when that’s presented to the people there’s almost always a reference to the faith of Abraham. I’ve also seen that greed tends to look for righteous reasons to justify the chase. The reason for the weaving and mingling of words. The full plate, fine clothes, big houses and maybe even a jet.

That’s called paganism and if its seen in the church its called hypocrisy. MATT 13:22, 23:24 And it’s not a hypocrisy because of ignorance. It is a very deceitful, willful lying hypocrisy. Act’s of charity are for show. Don’t miss this verse, ISAIAH 32: 5 Then if there’s anything left over the poor might get a bowl of? ISAIAH 58:10

Now the rich man in the story may have and probably was religious. The purple clothing mentioned was typically worn by priests or royalty and symbolic of luxury and elegance. And when some people chase after those things it tends to create a gulf that separates the rich from the poor. Wealth can lead to blindness and its not always willful.

But if you’re always chasing a full plate there’s usually no room for compassion. If the rich man is wise he would pay attention to the rest of that story. Because it tells me that wealth is not always a good thing for everyone. Would you allow it to be the reason for being left behind? But the rich man did reveal some compassion when he made a plea for his brothers.

And that’s when we see that it was known that there would be some deceitful doctrines among some churches, Some churches make claims of being righteous based on the faith of Abraham, and go on to say a righteousness based on faith and not works of the law. But take a close look at what Abraham himself said to the rich man. LUKE 16 : 29

When you read that story you will see he mentions, Moses and the Prophets. Or the Law and Doctrines of the Old Testament. MATT 23:31 Seems that was something else that paul missed? Paul, like some churches seems to of missed a lot?? Or did THEY? And I didn’t see a doctrine about purgatory there.

What you need to realize is that some churches have actually used those letters to lead people into a secretive and hidden idolatry and paganism. Some have been lead into hypocrisy without even realizing it. A lack of knowledge can leave you vulnerable and easily influenced. And that’s what happens when you don’t take time to read the HOLY BIBLE for yourself.

Now the reason I call that the story of Abraham is I’ve seen that Abraham lived a life that was just the opposite of the rich man. The most important difference being faith in the ONE TRUE AND LIVING GOD, JESUS. Abraham also must of had a meager diet dressed moderately and a generosity that I didn’t see in the Old Testament.

Because it says in the Gospel that he embraced the poor and his neighbors not a spiteful violence that reveals a spoilt child that lacks self control. He even revealed a love for the rich man’s brothers by leading them to the Law and the prophets. And I believe that was another reason for telling the story. And it was all told with Wisdom and discretion. Like Abrahams works.

The Ten Commandments were giving to us for a very specific reason.

They get rid of any idols in life. Number four is the bulwark against greed.

And if you never take a rest then how did you ever expect to enter the rest the HOLY BIBLE speaks of. Even number five warns us not to idolize parents but to honor and respect them. The Ten commandments will get you to the promised land but its thru GRACE that you enter the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS would also keep you from a deceitful church.

Go over them carefully. The story about the Exodus is a story about Divine intervention. Without the law would GRACE be abused? The Jews and Christians should have got to together and talked about that. Now they maybe at a loss for words. That’s good maybe now they’ll listen. MATT 23:31

Give Thanks for the law that keeps people from abusing GRACE.

Why try to rob the law of its GRACE, THOU SHALT NOT KILL.

And why try to rob GRACE of its law, MEARCY.

IF you’ve been shown GRACE you have been shown MEARCY.

Stop looking for reasons not to make an effort, it reveals your heart. THE HOLY SPIRIT leads the people to the law. Why? To unite and gather people who would be in agreement of it’s goodness. Speaking naturally, a good tree produces good fruit without any effort.

So to, a good heart doesn’t see obedience as a work, much less an effort. They simply see it as the right or a GOOD thing to do. More like an instinct that comes from within, THE HEART. And that good instinct that is within everyone can be easily nourished by taming dangerous appetites. And when you think about it how much effort does it take to say no? Need help?

I’ve seen how some churches have whined and complained about works or work. So what do you do? I’ve seen what THE HOLY BIBLE tells them to do. Take a day of rest from those works or work. But for some reason they even whine and complain about that.

And THE HOLY BIBLE reveals what happens with those kind of characters also. I hope that you will take time to read the HOLY BIBLE, then you can decide if what I’ve said is true or not. Because I know that if you will just take the time to read just the wisdom books you will be Illuminated. The wisdom books are like an invitation to GRACE, there also a guide against a simple, giddy, reckless and careless mind and the perils and what some call the temptations in life.

Temptations can be an opportunity to do what’s right and reveal what you, are loyal to, an opportunity to learn from, and an opportunity to reveal. The Wisdom books reveal an organized process of serious rational assessment and consideration, revealing sober reflections, realistic observations, and a rational perception. And everyone responds, one way or the other. With a choice, that leads to one place or the other. WISDOMS invitation, common sense finds appealing. The wisdom books reveal a transparent integrity. No intention to deceive and no willful intention to stretch the truth, it doesn’t have a card up its sleeve.

She speaks in a forthright and straightforward manner. Pro 8: 8-9

How do you impart wisdoms gifts upon those who have failed to fulfill the conditions of receiving them? A listening ear and teachable spirit is essential if the transfer is to be made. It’s not something to be forced, Like morals. Better to pay attention to wisdoms warnings then to pay a visit to the doctor, referring to food.

And Reveal your wisdom and at least think about it and give yourself a chance. If you want to succeed in life then you should read the HOLY BIBLE. How much easier could it of been made for us. PRAY AND READ how much easier did you want it to be. The Gospels and wisdom books reveal sound doctrine while exposing false doctrines. Why do you think you haven’t heard the church speak about the wisdom books? JOB, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Wisdom of Solomon, and Ben SIRACH.

And how often has your church taught from the four Gospels? It’s known that if you read them they’ll be found out. ALL hands exposed!!

There an invitation to the young and inexperienced, and all seeking advanced training in wisdom. PRO 1; 2- 7, 2;1, 15;31, WISDOM 6;1, SIRACH 1;25, PS 29;11, 34;14

Another word of caution. Never play cards with someone who knows what your holding. If he raises the stake he won’t be bluffing. Discover the secret of discernment, learn the lesson of insight, the dictates of duty, right and honor, then put simplicity on it’s guard, and disappoint the grave.

They’ll keep you from the wrong choice and false counselor , (Translation of evil man or woman) PRO 2;12 Pay attention, and listen intelligently PS 19;7, 116;6, 119;6 PRO 1;22 ,1;32 Keep the people in the dark, (results of covetous envy) and you keep them in your pocket, sound like the government?

WHY would the church or churches intentionally with hold known truths? Keep the people ignorant and you can lead them like an idiot. A college student should of seen that before I did.

And the Reason to with hold it, (Spiteful, covetous envy)

And if you can numb their moral senses, with food, hypocrisy and the tv, you make them fit for hell. JOB 12: 25, 33:29 ISAIAH 5:20 HELL IS FULL OF IGNORANCE. Why do you think the tv is called an idiot box. If the t.v. is preparing your mind for something or somewhere what or where could that be? Looks like hell to me.

You might say but there’s educational programs on t.v. Yes, but have you noticed that ignorance doesn’t watch them, neither did i. I’m not trying to convince anyone with just words or my own experiences, hopefully you’ll say your prayers and wait for your own. And after people are born again they will know that there were churches that have deceived some people.

IF you couldn’t hear the music very well and you liked the song you would probably try to get closer, right? Now you have an idea of what it’s like when someone fleshy tries to read the HOLY BIBLE and understand it. IS there a secret of how to draw closer to THE LORD JESUS and understanding THE HOLY BIBLE? True devotion.

Why not try prayer and a little fasting, and be patient, a sober mind is essential. MATT 6 :22, LK 11:33 That should also give you an idea of how important it is to abide in the word, and avoid confusion. IT leads to a healthy mind and body, the fruits of integrity.

Do a word study of that word. A faithful support of a standard of values, PS 25: 21 without wavering PS 26: 1 The word abide also means to obey. And about the church, Shame and destruction is seen where WARNINGS have gone UNHEEDED and the LAW avoided. I’ve seen bad people who know they are bad who don’t go to church.

What’s sad is there are people in the church who are bad and don’t realize it. Would you like to remember scripture? Just put them into practice. It’s fleshy souls that have troubles understanding the word, and the way of the HOLY SPIRIT.

IF you’ve been born again, Sacrifice the flesh and reveal the SPIRIT, and let your light shine, sharing the name without wavering will confirm it. For the wayward soul, (the unpredictable flesh) will stumble in the morning, and be confused throughout the day. I’ve heard it said you shouldn’t judge others.

OK, If guilt or innocence is revealed in lifestyle and behavior, or through the tongue, than is it necessary for anyone to judge? If you look at the law and look at the world what do you see? If I said that 1+1=2 is that judging? No, it’s common sense.

In fact it’s true throughout the earth. I’ve heard it said that all paths lead to GOD. Fear tells me those words are close to the truth. Because all paths do lead to judgment, stiff knees will bend, but a stiff neck maybe broken, when the winds get heavy the tree bends or brakes. PRO 29 ; 1-2 WISDOM 1 ; 1, ISAIAH 45;23


For people who have truly been born again the judgment isn’t to decide wither or not you go to HEAVEN. All will have their very own visitation, and all their own day of scrutiny, WISDOM 6 ; 1 AND keep reading. WISDOM will nourish all searching souls, if you don’t want to be left behind. And hopefully you won’t be found chasing or laxed in constitution. SIRACH 16;17, ISAIAH 28;15

Because there is only one way into the Kingdom of Heaven. The LORD JESUS, GRACE. JOHN 3;3 What is compassion? If you see someone sick and you know the cure and don’t share it, is that compassion, Of course not; and that to is common sense knowledge throughout the earth. SIRACH 17:29, 18:12; IS 28:18

Why were people persecuted in the past? It is written that some would be persecuted. For what reason? Hypocrisy ? Did they live and teach temperance? Especially concerning food and drink. Think natural. Did they observe the Saturday Sabbath? What could the significance be with so many healings taking place on the Sabbath? No that’s not a coincidence. What have you seen in churches that haven’t honored the Sabbath? Sickness, unpredictable life? Pay close attention, what was eve lead to do? Disobey.. LK 11;27-28

Avoid confusion, unpredictable life and untimely death. Arrogance says it can’t happen to me, experience says you’ll get your opportunity. Did they invoke the name JESUS or the other sayings? Did they avoid the name? Did they lack self control?? What’s the reason for accidents, tragedies, and season’s of the MIND, the unpredictable flesh? More about that later.

And what about the humbled dollar, If it’s not a tool its useless. Better to have wealth with a purpose. I’ve seen too much fault directed at the LORD JESUS, when fault lies with fleshy souls that lack AWARENESS of danger and fail to heed warnings.

A good soul yearns to be set free, the fleshy, callous, and insensitive, TYKE, mind says that’s not for me. Does a fleshy body reveal the life of a soul that has yet to be caught up in GRACE, gathered together? PSALMS 107 : 3 OR does it reveal babes of the word on a migration who will eventually be ready for solid food. PRO 1;4, 1 PET 2;22

A little insight concerning temperance. What some have for breakfast would be more than enough for the day, two days a week, or? I’ll give you an idea of how some churches and radio stations have tried to intentionally but secretly lead others astray, concerning food. Call it hidden advertisement, another clever deceitfulness.

You’ve probably heard how much their kids liked it there. The surfeit of a wolf would speak about having a big steak or all you can eat. Why the nightmares, FOOD? Like a bunch of different books, more advertisement. WHY? If the church, t.v. or radio stations can keep your belly fully loaded, and the mind confused, you won’t have a clue, of what it’s up to. So what is really essential or relevant?

What is the definition of the word discrimination? One of the most relevant, significant and important things you need to do to be enlightened is to read the HOLY BIBLE. And not some other so called church book. And how often are you being encouraged to pray to the dead for help or protection?

The dead has no control of any events taking place in life. Another clever deceitfulness can be heard, is when you hear a church talk about cultic books. By doing so it makes theirs look acceptable. I say look for the faces on those books and you will see the recognition being sought and a biography latter would confirm it, and there’s usually more than one face, on just one of those books.

So watch or Listen for the hidden advertisement because far too often it’s not just a slip of the tongue.

It’s like the commercials or advertisements that can be very revealing about what’s being supported, promoted and even encouraged in society. And then leaves you with a choice. What will you support? And if you happen to stumble upon another commercial see if you can recognize friend or bad influence? And use the same scrutiny when listening to religious radio or t.v.

LISTEN carefully and see if you can recognize friend or bad influence ?? Intelligent discourse or simple minded chatter. Have you ever noticed that if you accuse ( sounds like a dangerous word if your afraid of something) But have you ever noticed that if you accuse of hypocrisy a bishop or preacher of willful and deceitful hypocrisy. You risk being called a gossip, slanderer or even a false accuser. But that’s ok I’m not afraid of what ignorance thinks. The things that I’ve experienced tells me I don’t have time to be concerned with what the flesh thinks. People with common sense and a conscience have the ability to reason and decide what is true or what is false.

Try this, why don’t you pat him on the back a few times and tell him how great he’s doing and see if he calls that flattery? And of course he’s not going to. That’s the reason he gets on the platform applause and lots of pats on the back.

He will even sign his book for you and you might even be invited to the pig roast or some other festivities. Sounds like the Biblical definition for the high places mentioned in the Old Testament. But if you know how to listen then you’ve heard how he pats himself on the back. And now you know how to recognize the brambles, briers and thorns. But maybe that kind of food is fitting for you if you watch t.v. The self important mischievous speakers. What you need to watch out for is a church that deceives and falsely accuses.

And what you need to understand is, once you’ve deceived the people of the world the only ones left to deceive is THE congregation. And that is the ultimate goal of darkness. To deceive everyone. And the word accuser like legalism seems to be words that hypocrisy likes to use to silence criticism.

What has the church used to, ENTICE the people? Did the congregation fall for the bait in the form of a full plate? DET 13: 13 What else has your church enticed you with? What does your church talk about eating and drinking and READING? If you know how to listen you’ll hear a choice made. To live in the spirit or die in the flesh. Lawful appetites will show the true way, fleshy ones will say everything is ok.

NOW, Think about some of those things that you’ve just read and do some home work. And what would you want to eat to nourish your soul? The HOLY BIBLE needs no help to nourish your soul. Stuck in the wilderness? You may not of even made it to the wilderness, still in bondage of dangerous appetites? Try another book or another plate of food.

And from time to time a favorite soda or coffee is mentioned. Need resources, they’ll be offered, but now you have an idea of what fueled them. Sugar, caffeine and Feasting AND drinking. ISAIAH 56;10-12 Caffeine is also a way of sowing to the flesh, or triggering the flesh. Try decaf. Big appetite, full belly, heavy pocket, another shackle.

Where you a victim, and deceived, mislead, swindled, duped? You should of read, ISAIAH 55;1-3 PRO 4;4-7 SIRACH 51;23-26 I see harmony couched within ISAIAH and SIRACH. In ISAIAH 55 : 1 You’ll see the taunt against charging fees for what some churches have called enlightened teachings, books. It’s even been said that they would change your life. But even my grade school education has seen the results of all those other books.

The very source of no change for the better. The people were lead astray with less in their pocket. And off they went looking for another plate of food to satisfy the appetite that those books failed to satisfy. ISAIAH 5 : 22 Wealth is ok if it’s not tainted, or obtained thru the IGNORANCE, (blindness) of others, It’s called extortion, thru lies and oppression, frauds who shed blood.

Would that make you a covetous and envious deceiver? Corrupt and diseased souls manifested thru the flesh. Committing acts of violence against the people, PRO 1;19, 9;17, 10;11, 11;9, 20;17 ISAIAH 1;16 AMOS 5; 14 JER 22;3 Hypocrite like witchcraft seeks to deceive and plunder.

Two characters that even the simple wouldn’t believe. JOB 36;13 PRO 26;18-19 Why bother telling the truth, even attempts to convince would be wasted now. I’ve seen the BIBLE give a clear definition or appellation of the adversaries of what is just and right. ISAIAH 1; 23 How should the people respond?

I’ve seen how the LORD JESUS did, Righteous anger. JN 2;13 You may not have to wait till old age to see how crewel it can be to live in the carnal flesh. Avoid the law and you’ll be worn out by it.

How many have died with out it? How many live with it? Make light of it, and it will reveal your weakness. To the lawless wisdom is a weight that tries his strength to much. SIRACH 6;20 Say a prayer. For lazy minds any investigating that would lead to knowledge and wisdom is a burdensome weight. And that’s why hell is full of ignorance. Now you can try another full plate and see if that will give you the strength to investigate, but we already know that answer.

IT was the reason you haven’t. SIRACH 6:20 Need help? TRY silent prayers. What would your answer be if you were asked if you prayed? How would you feel if you were asked if you prayed for your kids? If you don’t sing praises here on earth, it doesn’t sound like you planned on doing it in heaven? Enjoy the music.

And if you don’t pray it doesn’t sound like you wanted to go. And if you don’t make your migration here on earth, when did you plan on making it? Did you know that the Gospels teach that eternal life is offered and can be secured here and now? The change that needs to take place is to be done here and now, or did you expect it to happen in an instant. You don’t have to wait for death to see what happens.

And what happens if you reject it now? I would say more but there are some things that you don’t share with fleshy minds. They tend to lack appreciation. How often do you give thanks, for anything? Thanksgiving is a bloodless offering. PSALMS 50: 14

The Old Testament sacrifices were symbolic of what all people would be called to do. Leave the flesh alone and reveal the HOLY SPIRIT. GIVE UP ANIMALISTIC EATING HABITS, FLESH. THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE, BREATH OF THE LAWFULL, selfish lies exhaust of the hypocrite, a noxious fume.

For some change can be a gradual processes. But some social growths become so noxious and pernicious that change of any sort, short of extirpation , seems impossible. LEVITICUS 26:31 MATT 23;13-36 2 PET 2:2 The word woe makes for a good bible study. Hopefully you’ll pay attention to it. Sometimes it takes the seasons of the mind to convince, and purge sin. What’s the cure? For some, prayer, faith, time and the WORD PS119;25

I think it would be safe to say that America has been the object of divine care. And knowing that brings comfort. But knowing that also means its subject to punishment for infidelity, and reckless and careless living. Why let sinners destroy it.

For a country that seemed to start out with GOD’LY intentions how is it any better than the time of the flood? (Here’s a little common sense to use when trying to interpret the constitution. Keep the words decent and commonsense in mind) If such wickedness where to go unpunished, would Sodom deserve an apology? I wonder if Sodom loved children as much as Americans do? When kids become the target someone should have the courage to say enough.

Nations were not destroyed because of their goodness. And neither were the people. People and nations were destroyed when they rejected the offer. Again and again. Nations were destroyed when they failed to weed out wickedness. Something for the government, hollywood and the churches to consider.

And some churches have done a lot to keep the nation from falling into total flagitious and greedy lifestyles. Where’s the country that has a sense of shame and heeds warnings? ISAIAH26;2 ZEPH 2;1 What’s worse than pride among the rich, flaunting it? Or pride among poverty? Have you ever seen both in the same country? WISDOM 10;8

Here’s a definition of sin to think about. IT’s like having a serpent for a pet. Keep feeding it and one day it could get big enough to swallow you, while your sleeping in the dark, a life of ignorance. What’s the definition for the word suffocate? Another book, plate of food, lawless government? You can be a good influence or a bad. MATT 18:7 Conversion or willful sinner. Revealing a choice and what side your on. WAKE UP! SOBER UP!

Before it’s to late. For some people blindness is their mountain. Another definition for blindness is intoxication and ignorance. Look it up, see for yourself. Let any who think themselves spiritually enlightened acknowledge the commandments, or you just reveal the flesh wanting, and learn lessons of your folly. PS 119;4, PRO27;6

I’ve learned a lot about my own. The church could of just missed the way? Or does it know exactly what its doing and revealed an aberrant life style? True test of character, what do you do when no one’s looking, and what would you do if the people couldn’t see, living in darkness, ignorance?

Its called being uninformed. Please read, DET 27;18 MAT 15;14, 23;16 LK 6;39 When reading the scriptures and they mention drinking to intoxication, food is also being referred to because both are associated with each other. That also comes from experience. And what you need to understand is, just as alcohol intoxicates the soul and flesh, so does two or three plates of food a day, its called( strong drink) Not to mention what you wash it down with, you’ve fueled the intoxicating effect.

And the church is left with deceiving the people conveying , a FALSE, sense, of clear, perception, intelligence, and power.

Then human folly and the deceitfulness of riches and false gods and doctrines proceed from the church. Do you have a dictionary? Two words, Vanity, Narcissism. The reason for all the different books? Preach about humility then put your face on the book, or the internet. PRO 15;33, 18;12 Is what they see a fleshy glow and boasting of achievements in life and wealth obtained by falsehood and deceit, And shedding blood, PRO 9;17, 20;17 JER 7:6

Where is the quiet glow of genuine humility? MATT 5:3 It’s not found in seeking recognition from the flesh. What is the opposite of humility? The number one enemy? MOCKING, SCOFFERS, DESTINATION, NADIR. Something to think about, the LORD JESUS has no enemies unless you make him one, its YOUR choice.

Who are you trying to hoodwink? IGNORANCE ? Why try to insult the peoples intelligence. Wide is the path of self love and indulgence. MATT 7;13 Sounds like glorifying self, vainglory. 2 PET 3;16 , WISDOM5;8 Then if that don’t get you, maybe they can persuade (LURE) your own tongue to, with all the different sayings, god, lord, christ, father-god, and even mary.

The word lord was a favorite among the false religions and came to be known as a very shameful thing. JER 2;28, 3;24, 11;13 HOSEA9;19 And be careful of anything that’s offered as being free. It may be a book or booklet or some kind of track. What it is, is another kind of lure, and there are a lot of artificial baits in the world.

I’m sure some churches never thought they would see the day, or that these things wouldn’t of happened in their time. Have you ever heard of certain groups that are formed in some churches? It’s pretty basic, The more you give the bigger the title. Results? The poor excluded. What kind of church do you go to? KINDNESS is a quality to look for.

Some maybe wondering how to recognize friend or foe of the name of GOD, JESUS. You may not be able to visually so I would pay attention and listen carefully. And if you hear the words father god that’s a good indication of friend or foe, ill wisher, ill soul. That saying like the others serve the same purpose as they did in the OLD TESTAMENT, CONFUSE.

And keep you from invoking the only name that will lead to and complete your salvation. How can I say that? Can you survive on a roll a day? Pay attention, all who have been born again will be shown how to prepare themselves and others for the Kingdom of Heaven.

And it sounds like the LORD JESUS is preparing the people for something? You should read the HOLY BIBLE TO CONFIRM it. Even the saying god to often reveals people still wondering.

The new saying father god seems to be a favorite among ignorant, careless, reckless and giddy minds. I’ve even seen the church worshiping idols and in the same conversation condemning the worshiping of idols. Call it a cleaver deceitfulness. It’s called trying to make their crime look acceptable. You may have seen it to.

A statue of mary would reveal it and a prayer with beads in hand would confirm it. DET 4:15-17, PS 97;7 Ask your church what the TEN COMMANDMENTS are. Then listen carefully to see if it willfully fails to mention the second one. EXODUS 20: 4 And that would be another good time to listen for a hustling tongue. And see if you can discern the weaving and mingling of words.

I’ve heard two words describe the eucharist in that church, hocus, pocus. Not convinced? Keep reading. A lack of self control concerning food and drink goes Hand in Hand with a lack of self control concerning all areas of life. What is the reason for sicknesses, are you spiritually or morally unsound or corrupt.

What about being mentally or emotionally unsound or disordered?? The more you eat the more You REVEAL, about self, and a weakness. How do you feel today? What did you eat yesterday? The thoughts of the mind, the tongue reveals, both are the results of yesterdays appetites.

A little stormy? Your moral state has a big influence upon your physical condition. A warring mind or a peaceful one. Watch the appetites. And I’ve also seen that some of the bitter foods in life do the most good.

And to hungry souls even the bitter taste sweet. PRO 27:7 Self control and self discipline reveal a desire to learn and to be lead further. Have you ever wondered why kids behave the way they do?

Temperance concerning all the itches of the flesh represents a religion that’s opposed to the FALSE consciousness, and awareness, arising from intoxication with false values and practices that are sponsored by the church and THE TV Producing a callous indifference to religious influences and destroys all serious thought and deadens the spiritual sensibilities. IS 5;12

Results, a brash flippancy, ostentation, flaunting paganism, a deceptive religion, complacency and cupidity, false life and a false affection, inconsiderate of others, and an Artificially Fabricated lifestyle meant only to Impress others, revealing an unorthodox behavior and out of joint with standards of conduct.

Would you actually lead your kids to that kind of life style? Why not just throw them in the fire? Must be a heavy burden on the mind? MATT 18:6 LK 17:2 If you watch day time TV and TV religion you know exactly what I’m talking about , an unadulterated heathenism. A fleshy glow of recognition confirms it, (a dangerous ambition).

What do you see on TV? Fits of the flesh. A proud glow, a loud glow, hustling tongue, stagy platform, extravagant clothing, false tongues, unable to bridle body emotions, phony facial expressions, uncontrollable hands, sounds like a shaky frame and shady principles, PS119;5 SWEATING? PS 58;3 A way of burning off excess fuel.

AND consider yourself lucky if you hear a word of scripture above a flattering tongue. Then fleshy ear sounds applause. I’ve seen It’s good not to be to quick to applaud the flesh then know one will be quick to call me stupid and if others don’t applaud me I cant call them an idiot. What happens when flesh lays hands on flesh, do both fall? Enjoy the circus. I’ve heard the church make claims of being righteous.

Then I read about a Pharisee and a tax collector. LK 18:9 A tax collector who was probably a rich man. And GRACE looked upon both and appearances took a pounding. And mercy was shown to a humble confession, without works. Some works are rejected. Honest confessions are accepted. Preach the WORD in a lowly fashion? SIRACH 3:17 And everything the Pharisee said that he wasn’t the Gospels reveal he was, spiritually speaking.

What happens when flesh and spirit meet. Those are just sins of the flesh, the part about deceiving, that’s devastating. Take some time and give some serious thought about how you, yourself would share the Gospel with others. But before you do, look up the word SINCERE, and the word serious.

If the church would have shared it that way it wouldn’t be sweating now and found itself in a predicament. What kind of seeds should be planted, seeds of faith or humbled dollar, depends on your choice. Has the church left you spiritually lost and broke, next victim. The flesh makes a boast of strength, vigor and zeal and it is easily seen, in reckless, audacious, simple and giddy minds.

A big appetite for the flesh reveals covetous passions for wealth and extravagance,(materialism) And at the time of blossoming it’s found in the limelight, seeking applause. SIRACH 18:30, 23:6 AND AT the proper time it became necessary to wipe it out. NUM 11:33

Why were so many destroyed? To get rid of a bad influence. Ever wondered about the stoning’s in the Old Testament? It wasn’t to soften an insensitive heart. It may have been another way of saying, how sever does the punishment have to be to deter the sin? Hypocrisy isn’t content with what’s from the heart, it wants all you got.

The louder the preacher the drunker the character, and more desperate? GIVE, GIVE. 2 PET 2:2 When do you hear about the importance of obedience? Is it time to give? Every word of scripture shared is artfully twisted, framed and manipulated to pick your pocket. The church is supposed to feed the congregation; hypocrisy wants you to feed it, GIVE, GIVE. Who blesses hypocrisy?

The results of another’s ignorance? When you seek counsel from flesh the seeker always pays, one way or another, unfortunately it’s usually both. Why seek recognition, if what they see is lawlessness?

It only gives the secular world something to laugh at. And if you love the WORD then you love discipline, for discipline is the soul of sound training. WISDOM 6:17 SRIACH 24;21 You should look up the word discipline in a biblical dictionary and a regular one, an exhaustive concordance of the HOLY BIBLE is also helpful.

Speak the truth and a good soul will listen, and not wander, but then who hasn’t. JER 50;6 EZE 34;1 MT 18;12 Share the Gospel, revive a soul, its healing for the broken spirit and lost and wounded soul. Anyone sick and tired of being sick and tired? Watch your appetites. I’ve heard people say that they are good, sounds like a soul seeking to be the best it could be? Why hinder it?

Give your soul a chance read the Gospels, and reveal your Wisdom and at least think about it. THE GOOD NEWS, THE GREAT NEWS, it will refresh, revive, QUICKEN and cultivate your soul before a claim is made for it. LK12;20, 13;6 I believe the proper wording there would be, cultivate and fertilize. It’s called washing away the worldly concerns, carnal flesh.

It’s a fleshy body that weighs down a good conscience. Or it’s a fleshy appetite that rattles the mind. SINCE when did the conscience ever condemn good intentions? Read the WORD forget about past. JOB 4:19, WISDOM 9:15 What does a fleshy soul reveal, display? If your laxed in constitution, you will fail under scrutiny and reveal an aberrant mind.

Aberrant means, To turn from what’s right and true. Wandering or deviating from the right course. OR a condition that is not normal. And a fleshy mind, (soul) is not normal. In fact it’s the opposite of being spiritually minded.

It’s the results of eating and drinking and rising to play, then going your own way. And the aberrant mind fails to recognize it. How do you encourage people to sober up if there not even aware of their own drunkenness? With most the state of mind they have is the only one they’ve ever known. Make the effort, see the difference.

IT IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL TO BE STRENGTHEND BY GRACE, AND NOT BY FOODS. I’ve read that somewhere? When you seek to help others stick to the word, (Truth) its more convincing. THE LORD JESUS IS THE ONLY FAITHFUL AND TRUE GOD. PSALMS 145:8 He has not left us to be devoured by our own appetites, or those of others. How can any church lead you where it has yet to go? And the reason it can’t is because it has refused to show you. The life after the cross.

But I’ve seen the faithful or the (honest) church will, one way or the other. JOHN 21 : 18 A seasonable verse for the times were living in. Do you have any idea of what happens when people are called to make good of the claims they’ve made? Sacrifice the flesh and live on in the spirit.

SO Why seek other resources, the bible is capable of raising her own children, there’s no limitations to the power and ability of the HOLY SPIRIT…what need to seek for other help. SIRACH 4;11, 6;6, 6;19, 14;20, PS 145;19 Uproot a tree and it dies, why forsake the HOLY BIBLE? What is the first thing a mother teaches her children? The Bible taught me what not to eat and what to eat, in moderation, then apply temperance to that.

Be very careful temperance concerning food requires reading the HOLY BIBLE and being blest with the HOLY SPIRIT. Wisdom of Solomon 16;25 MT6;16, I don’t call it fasting, it’s a way of life. Have you ever seen the church filled with broken hearts? You’ve just witnessed it. There are different ways of interpreting scripture.

A prime example of that would be the description of a woman a metaphor of the church. What Is seen In church? 1PET 3. Quiet sincere speech? Temperance? Seeks recognition? ZEPH 3:1-4 Look up the word wolf In a dictionary, I think you’ll find It Interesting.

Some of the letters in the NEW TESTAMENT give the Impression that women ought not to teach. If you would carefully read the Gospels you may see another Impression. I would also pay attention to lifestyle. Interpreting scripture can be very complex. When you think you understand something you turn the page to discover that maybe you didn’t.

Women can be very helpful with training and Instructing children, as well as sharing the Gospel, and they can be very, productive.PRO31;10 Do you have the discernment to recognize if a church has truly been called to share the word?

I’ve seen that Insight is lacking, from a lack of knowledge and perception. If you see something being taught In church and Its wrong and you say nothing does that make you apart of the crime? Also, If there Is something that the church fails to bring to the people’s attention should you keep silent? A prudent tongue would be helpful. But If many words don’t reveal It, then choose a few and seal It.

Flesh eats flesh, flesh chases flesh, flesh praises flesh. Would be nice if people were more self-motivated; then there would be no reason to lecture them. For me it took being born again and being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT; QUITE an ORDEAL! I’d be careful about praising others; it could reveal your wisdom or joint heir in folly.

How big are the appetites? Full plate in the morning, another in the evening, do you see the extravagance? LK11;37-46 Remove the extravagant disguise of hypocrisy then you’ll see the rust and corruption. JOB 27: 16 Will a good mans heart be searched? What do you treasure?

What’s a body to do, when extravagance fails to hide what’s on the inside? You can dress up the flesh as much as you like, but it doesn’t compare to the beauty of character. There is something good about extravagance; it can only destroy character not the soul. Does Outward display, reveal inner decay? I’ve also seen one wasting away for the sake of appearance, Recognition.

That’s mentioned there also. Do you see how easy it is to recognize, character? And yet there’s another who eats very little but does not waste away. What is meant by a TENDER CONSCIENCE?

A mind that has an acute sense of Awareness of, or is offended by sin. You should also be careful of the church you praise you could reveal a joint heir of the crimes by promoting it. And supporting it only gives it something to boast about and flaunt. PS 10 ; 3 ROM 1 ; 28-32 , 2TIM 3;1-7

If you ever watch church on t.v. try using the same intense observation that a magic act would of called for, only use your ears to catch the slip. I’LL give you an idea of how to listen and how fast the heart can reveal itself. You may have heard a preacher say that the congregation cannot live and do as it pleases. I say why not? From what I’ve seen some do exactly that.

Some roast a pig, some don’t. Some eat and drink and rise to play and pollute the earth and their neighbor. Some don’t. Who would you extend an invitation to? Who would be caught up and taken out of the world? Did you notice how quick your own conscience revealed a judgment. And it was yours.

That’s how serious life is. Sometimes life gets serious real fast unless you already see it that way. Some churches talk about THE LORD JESUS coming to establish his KINGDOM here on earth. But then the very same church weeks later will talk about being caught up or raptured. Doesn’t sound like they have a clue. Seek to be born again and you will. Some should be very thankful for second chances.

What would you consider to be a divine invitation? ISAIAH 55: 1 SIRACH 51:25 MATT 11:28 PRO 15:30 And here’s some other things to listen for. Give, give, flattery, a woman in the pulpit, and false tongues a dead giveaway watch for appetites. PS 10;3 Their hidden boast concerns the peoples ignorance of scripture.

Be careful of those you sport around with, you could be found guilty by association. And what would supporting it confirm? A FIRE CAN BLAZE FORTH where knaves gather. PS 5:9, 12:2 PRO, 2:16, 6:2, 7:5, 7:21, 26:28, 28:23, 29:5 SIRACH 16;6, 21;9 Could take a water cannon to extinguish a flattering tongue, in fact the word flatter is found mostly in the wisdom book of proverbs, COINCIDENCE? DO you lack insight? HEARTS disciplined by true wisdom will not be the laughingstock of ill-wishers.

They will be found in the company of the faithful. SIRACH 23;2 There are two ways, one for the better. JOB 34. Wisdom penetrates the depths of the earth, how much quicker the hearts of men, there’s a visitation for those who sleep there, prudence and discipline lights upon those of a tender conscience and generous hearts.

Have you ever wondered why the book of JOB is spelled that way? A JOB or challenge to understand it. IN the end he acknowledged his crime and when he took TIME TO LISTEN and decided within his mind to repent, THAT’S when his healing came. JOB 42;6 IS 1;18-20 Read those verses and see if you can discern your reason for being.


understanding the avoidance of evil.

I’ve heard it said that in bad times you need to laugh and if necessary even throw a party. But if that’s what you do in good times when do you take time to listen? But then what do I know? You’ll probably have a smile on your face in the grave. I MIGHT smile less but I’ll probably laugh longer. Don’t let a glad heart lead you into being, reckless, irresponsible, SIMPLE MINDED ( false joy) and unaware of danger, and easily manipulated, it can lead to dull hearts and minds. Flattery is very dangerous, why?

Because it fails to prepare you for any storms or unexpected truths. To experience GRACE IS to see HOPE FOR ALL OF NOBLE AND GENEROUS HEARTS. And when sharing your faith do yourself a favor and don’t try too hard to try to convince a fleshy mind concerning spiritual truths. You may hear a giggle or a back biting tongue, or proud spiteful tongue seeking to justify a lifestyle.

TRY asking them if they would like to understand the riddles in life, or the seasons of the mind. WISDOM BOOK 8:8 Then encourage them to read the WISDOM BOOKS AND THE GOSPELS, they explain it better than I can. Hopefully you’ll meet one who will listen. SIRACH 3:16

Are drunk drivers tolerated? How much less a drunk preacher? Have you ever been to a bar? Then you’ve seen loud drunks and quite drunks with something in common, a lot of talking. What’s the reason for all the talking and yelling, to intoxicate you into giving.

LOVE doesn’t have to do that. Love is easy to define and for some to say, but can you reveal the true character of love, or a genuine expression of it?

THE HOLY BIBLE puts an end to all debates, And when sharing your faith, If you have an answer to the riddle let them hear it, if not, reveal your wisdom hold your tongue, the cultivation of the mind is revealed through the tongue and confirms your training or lack of it. WISDOM breeds hesitation to speak and can keep you from being a laughing stock. PAY attention to conversation and your own thoughts you may hear a whisper or a door open.

That’s the invitation to articulation. SIRACH 5;11-12 Love your neighbor and share THE GOSPEL with him. But if you do not like him, keep it a secret. A boorish person storms into a house, the well breed wait patiently for the invitation.

PAY ATTENTION and you could reveal a genuine student of the scriptures, FREE from hypocrisy and pretence. Then you may be smiled upon, even the birds of the air might show favor. A father’s smile, a mother’s tears, reveal children well trained or ill, confused, depressed, drunk? PRO 10; 1

TAKE TIME to read for yourself, the truths revealed in scripture are enough to convince even the simplest of minds. I don’t say my way or no way. I recommend reading for yourself to see the way. Because there is only one true FAITH. I’ve heard a little about a new age religion or new world religion, and another that speaks about seven virgins as the prize, sounds like chasing the flesh.


When you love life and family the sensible tend to think more about faith. I’ve seen another generation getting tired of the violence and death and seeking truth and harmony. Anyone having trouble persuading, family, friends or neighbors? Be patient, it may take a little heavenly persuasion. Never trust in self, your strength and ability. DET 8;17, AMOS 6;1-14 PS 146;3, JER17;5

Here’s a little test for self, try turning yourself into a vegetable. Sounds silly, I’ve seen it happen in the ring of life, more than once. Their plans are frustrated, JOB 12;14 PS 69;33, 88;8,102;20, 142;7, 146;7 A way of confusing or silencing an arrogant and lawless tongue. I don’t think you want to put those words to the test, the results leave no doubt, seeing is believing. ISAIAH 66 ; 24

My faith is in THE LORD JESUS and prayer. The results are peace and harmony. Something else concerning other books: IF you receive the word from others who read other books or even the news paper, than how diluted and adulterated is it by the time you receive it? PRO 17:24 You want to put fear in the church? Read for yourself.

IF you see what I have seen, you may leave the one you attend. Where in the HOLY BIBLE do you see GODLY AND FAITHFUL PEOPLE praying to a woman? AND, when you consider carefully if the church truly believes that THE LORD JESUS showed us the way in the New Testament. Then why didn’t the preacher fast for forty days and nights AFTER BEING BAPTISED? No food.

Have you ever you tried climbing a mountain in the flesh? You would probably be very tired after words. Especially if you attempt to do it too fast. With the help of the spirit you can do it. FAST for FORTY days and you could find yourself at the top of a mountain. What did Moses and Elijah see and say? Read and see for yourself.

Wait for the invitation? Pay attention you may discover the HOLY SPIRIT, quenching your thirst. By now it seems you chose to keep reading. HOPEFULLY some concerns have been aroused in you. THE reason for writing this is to warn the people and make the church aware of, Read and see a little advice and scrutiny. Have you ever noticed how a lash on the flesh draws attention? PROVERBS 1:24, PRO 26;24, 27;6 A nice place to start.

EAT and drink and rise to play and don’t let anyone steal your JOY.

I kind of say the same thing, but with a cleaner conscience, and PEACE. LOVE THE LAW, enJOY the healing. Have you ever experienced the revelations of the HOLY SPIRIT?

Feelings, taste, and aromas? Then you’ve also enjoyed sharing, giving and helping or has the flesh prospered, full plate, extravagant clothes flesh praising flesh, birds of a feather as the preacher so the people, sounds like spiritual poverty. PRO13;7

With GRACE there’s hope that’s way its called, AMAZING GRACE. DT8;11, PS127, MT6;25,LK12;22

OPEN your heart to wisdom and it will keep you from the wrong choice, THE FALSE COUNSELER and a HARVEST OF SHAME. PRO 2:10. Reveal the law and tender hearts are open to it, and keeps them on the noble course. For those who in holiness observe holy things will be adjudged holy. WISDOM BOOK 6;10 LET the Word be your food and drink.

Then you will have your wits about you and an awareness you never thought possible. Then you will not stumble and scrape your knee while enJOYing LIFE. Better HARMONY in heart and mind, then both filled with scars of simple choices. The word is good to those who are good, and a peaceful mind is recognized by those who share it, as they rest on the Sabbath. The lawless proclaim freedom only to be arrested by afflictions, revealing a life of folly. When the people observe the Sabbath rest, darkness is left to play with self.

When you see the sufferings of others that alone should be enough of a warning to avoid sin. Arrogance says it cant happen to me, experience says lets wait and see! PRO 15;10, 19;16 IS 28; 15 WISDOM’S worth far exceeds all gold on earth; even the simple can dig for that. SIRACH 31:5.

Wealth has never brought the satisfaction that comes with the accumulation of wisdom.

An education which produces appreciation of the beautiful, understanding, and humane feeling is far better than a large bank account. PRO 16: 16 WISDOM IS RARER THAN UNDERSTANDING FOR IF YOU HAD THE ONE WOULD YOU HAVE THE OTHER? Many have been well schooled, but how many can actually say they understand? And as it is with all things that are good for you it may take time to attain a peaceful mind.

Avoid the itches of the flesh and the less severe the seasons of the mind will be.

Live in the flesh and your living a life that’s unpredictable. It has plagued men for a long time. Be patient pray and read. Wisdom books, Gospels and the spirit will lead you from there.

You see a wise man there let your ears be his shadow. Then temperance will be your neighbor. Wisdom breeds hesitation to speak. Not a harvest of SHAME. Does speaking with your hands reveal a lack of faith in the force of your words? The scriptures testify to that, and love. The loose tongue reveals the secrets of the palate. Maybe they’ll put the bit in now? JOB13:5 PS 32:9 James 3;2

Tongue that flatters, how many have slipped on it, how many fallen for it? Before it happens to you seek some, insight for living and avoid being swindled and duped . You don’t always have to hear a name to see character, especially one like a fop, sensual. Helps you avoid being Deceived by pretense, cunning smile, proud glow, false stutter, and wanton wide eyed look, all the while plotting mischief. SIRACH 26:9 Why are jokes told, LACK OF REVERENCE?

And to keep you from getting serious about your faith and investigating for yourself. What is reverence? How serious are you about your faith? And after the jokes how sincere do you think the prayer is? Reverence is one of the first fruits of the HOLY SPIRIT. And I don’t think its necessary to tell anyone how serious you are about your faith. If they have ears to hear they will hear it.

And if they have eyes to see they have seen it. A lash on the flesh draws attention; persistent fools run the risk of bleeding to death. PRO13:18, 15;10 Blind sheep lost sheep share a common danger, of waking up under wolves, (predator) Seeking to deceive the flesh for self satisfaction and sordid gain.

Even the children are at risk when parents fail to thoroughly scrutinize character. Watch for appetites food, money and recognition. The third one reveals a yielding to the other two. EZE 22;23-31MT 7:15 Lazy deceiver looked for a friend among its members, but soon found its worst enemy when it failed to retire the tongue. Words of deceit are like deadly arrows that fly like the boomerang. PS 5;9, 10;11, 64;8, PRO 26;24, 27;26, SIRACH 22;26 What does the dove and peacock have in common? If you shun the word you’ll find that’s hard to hide.PRO14;7

Put the word Into practice or you’ll only learn lessons of your folly.PRO16;22 Fill the people with meat and drink, itch quenched, they think, they have only fueled there loose tongue, to reveal thoughts secret counsels and hearts secret desires.

Like a city without walls, is the man who lacks self control, easy target. Open to plunder, a full stomach lacks self control. PS7;11-12, 38;2 ,64;3, Shameless women wined and dined, adulterers just desserts. PRO 30:20. Like a thirsty traveler who drinks any water, or book, he comes across, is the woman who opens her quiver to any arrow.

A little spiritual insight. Picture a church with other books for sale instead of the HOLY BIBLE. JOHN 2;13 Now look up the word ADULTERATE in a dictionary; and read 1PETER 2:2. The sincere milk of the word, which is without guile-with pure intentions to nourish and benefit the soul, a soul with a sincere determination. The word adultery in the scriptures, it’s not always the flesh being spoken of, at times it’s idols, food or doctrines, other books. That’s why I warned you earlier. It’s very important to abide in the word. JOHN 15:4. 1 JOHN 2;27

Have you been deceived? Have you been told you need to read another book or commentary. One should never try to put limitations on the power or ability of the HOLY SPIRIT, especially when it comes to teaching and guiding people into biblical truths. Why read works spawned from the flesh? How can I say that? I’ll mention just one area of concern, temperance, concerning food.

With time you’ll see the others. Another look at the church’s lapse, concerning sports arenas, coliseum, books of Maccabees. What do you see at sporting events? Food, money, recognition. Unpredictable flesh? Sowing to the flesh, more ways of triggering the flesh? Try songs of praise and reveal your victory. Shame crowns the man who plays the field, sad the woman who was the play ground, where there’s a sense of shame, and if you have that there’s hope so be happy.

A one night stand Is like a lie. A child born of it can bring JOY. Who do they fear? PS 19:7-11 Flesh praises flesh, The spirit praises THE LORD JESUS and avoids what the flesh seeks. Arrogance thinks there will always be an audience and chases It like the prey saying, SEE ME, SEE ME. A photo here a photo there tends to lead the simple astray. Like deluded children. That to has been seen in the ring of life. Hypocrisy preys on ignorance. Instruct a sensible person and knowledge multiplies.

Are there giants in the land, renowned recognition? I’ve heard it said that the scriptures have to many wars in it. I’ve seen the hidden teachings their showing us how to handle different situations; most important though, how to avoid wars. 2KINGS 6;22 Learn from history, or end up repeating it. Do you see why wisdom breeds hesitation to speak? A slip on the pavement is better than a slip of the tongue; the fall of the wicked comes just as fast. PAY ATTENTION. Why seek Recognition if what they see is Lawlessness? Why is a moderate diet and Fasting so important?


What was revealed after a forty day fast? Things to be careful with, dangerous appetites, Food, Money, Recognition. (1 John 2:16 Itches of the flesh, itch of the eye, itch for Recognition. LK 4;4 We’re encouraged to be careful with food (and drink), and very careful with money. Recognizing IT as a tool. Recognition avoid at all cost. If you must- I’ve seen that anyone can look good in fine clothing; but what can you do with a pair of jeans and a t-shirt? I could at least make them smell good.

Who said I’m not encouraging, how do you think the young girl in holey jeans feels? The morals of that little girl puts hollywood to shame. I’ve often heard people say that they like to look good and feel good about themselves. Well, here’s a secret, do it to other’s. Many have died from lack of food; many more from numb thighs, padded fat and over eating. (Job 15:27) Legalistic they say; is someone trying to justify a lifestyle?

The scriptures speak of Faith, Hope, and love (Charity). I simply say ask your heart. We all have one, right? How fast have they been searched? Money has done that; make every effort to avoid the itch of self-satisfaction vain glory. The love of self says their flesh is worth it. Why flaunt extravagance in the face of the humble. How many have been caught unaware, and fell into that web?

Is it not by your own hands- deeds that once your lamp has been lit, that your light will flourish or dissipate? I’m speaking about spiritual enlightenment, And sickness and wasting away, confusion. (Job 16:17, 17:9) Let no violence be found in your deeds or hands. And hopefully you will not be caught in the dark, unaware. 2 CHR 7;14 IS 5:13-25, 56:7 House of Prayer for ALL people. HOPE for those who have lapsed, backslid. That also comes from experience. A little doctrine concerning violence!

If you offer peace to people who have a tendency to be violent, and they ignore it or throw it back in your face, you’re left with having to destroy them. But, if you meet their violence with a little violence, later they may ask for peace. Thus you have kept yourself from having to destroy them. What other way do you get belligerent people to listen to common sense reasoning?? And there are times when evil can be met with good in the hopes of creating good.

Pay attention to the deeds of the hands and feet. More about that later… self control. Concerning your body. Clear the field before planting. (Is 62:10) The church should of listened to the first letter. It was sent out about 1994 or ’95. Take a vessel, a jar you don’t know what’s in it; if you bump it enough, eventually you’ll knock it over and see what flows.

Hopefully prayer. Anger would be your downfall. The humble will be met as they are, the proud like the JAR. After people are bumped around a little they tend to make choices and respond in different ways. Respond with pride and reap a harvest of shame. Hopefully you will avoid the bumps, the unpleasant seasons of the mind, and enjoy your migration. IS 1:3, JER 8;7 There will be some THROES. And a little confusion. It’s called being born again, NEW CREATION. Where are the singers who sing songs of praise, and heart music? Better open rebuke than unexpressed love. PRO 27:5

Let them hear and see hope in the gems of your words, not those hidden in the earth or in the fine cuisine of the moth. Avoid a harvest of SHAME. Listen carefully to the seasons of the mind. (Wisdom 14:22)Doctors also seem to conjure up names for spiritual matters that they can’t cure, from lack of knowledge. Depression, bipolar, paranoia, schizophrenia. DET 28;27- 29

What are the reasons for those seasons? (Job 33:14, Wisdom 17:7-21, SIRACH 10:10) IT could also be chastening and not discipline. YOU may know the way back now without the pill that prepares the mind for the grave. The Hebrew people were also terrified of being tossed into the deep sea of forgetfulness. Alzheimer’s? (Ps 88;12, 102:4, WISDOM 16:10-12) Watch your diet..

A way of purging pride and causing speech to fail, and we’ve seen it in the ring of Life. It sounds like prisons without bars- lost. Depression, Confusion, Frustration, and madness of mind. Against such, wealth is a mindless body guard. PS 49:7, PRO 11:4 ISAIAH 33:6

Why wait for either, say your prayers. DET 28;28 Ps 107 SIRACH 38 MATT 18;12, 2 COR 4;3 Sometimes a break down can keep you from a bigger fall. At least now you have an idea of how to avoid both. And if you’ve experienced some of those things be glad that you still have the capacity to feel something. And it sounds like someone is trying to get your attention. APATHY AND LETHARGY are just two of the natural consequences that can follow when you failed to do, what you new, was the right thing, to do. I’ve heard that at least seventy percent of Americans experience some form of depression. Gives you an idea of how many lack insight and a wise and healthy diet. And may not know how to pray.

Where is the name?

I’ve also heard of some natural cures for depression. Like bananas, dairy products and turkey. I don’t recommend eating meat but turkey could help with winging you off the other meats. I recommend PRAYER, especially silent ones with the mind, words like, JESUS I NEED YOU, PLEASE. And depression like some other afflictions could be another opportunity to reveal which way you turn for help. And it is another way of purging appetites. Some food for thought if you ever happen to experience it.

Fortunately it’s something I’ve never experienced that maybe because I’ve been able to learn from what I’ve seen and heard about those who have been trouble by it. I’ve seen a loss of appetite is usually present and a wallowing about past. Forget about it, and seek to be the best you can be, and find the help you need in the HOLY BIBLE, WISDOM books. The little I’ve shared with you does reveal some ability to analyze some situations in life.

You could of laid on a couch for years and never heard what’s been shared with you. Depressions is not always a bad thing, it’s like a silent reproof and can lead to better health as long as you know how to grow, mature and profit from it.

Many haven’t and when their strength returns their off on the chase again. ISAIAH 30: 16 Setting themselves up for a bigger fall.

Some lifestyles give birth to afflictions or mindful experiences and some to peace and joy, when you’ve experienced the peace the BIBLE offers it’s hard not to share the way to it. I’ve encouraged people I know, to read the WISDOM books and even some women I know but they were somewhat discouraged because of the many warnings about certain women.

Sons were cherished more in those days because they would be the ones who would carry on the name of the family. And if you have daughters then you know they’re not a loss. In the New Testament we see THE LORD JESUS helping a woman that Solomon warns others about. And if he would have been warning women about certain men I would have been one of those men before being born again.

The book of Proverbs does come down a little hard on women but don’t you do the same with the ones you love the most? And where are the women who have actually taken the time to think about how the book ends?? When you don’t care why say anything? What do you get serious about? In Proverbs chapter 8 WISDOM is presented to us as a women or lady WISDOM. And I believe it was known that an intelligent and discerning woman would of seen that as a very direct and personal invitation to all women to read the WISDOM books. Hopefully you’ll give that some more thought.

I could say more about those verses but from personal experience I’ve seen that we shouldn’t try to put into words what another's discernment could explain to them more thoroughly. So I’ll share what I have seen there. A wise but discreet invitation to women to read the WISDOM books. What is it to be discreet?

Do we talk just to be saying something or do we speak because we have something to say? Pay attention to discernment she is your silent teacher and reveler of understanding what others cannot put into words. That’s why I say reveal your WISDOM and hold your tongue. Who would of thought that the way to knowledge would be to play dumb and listen. Have you ever heard that its better for others to think were stupid then to open the mouth and confirm it.

Silence is the invitation to discernment and causes the mind to investigate and understanding is the gift of patients.

Relaxing and silence leads to good therapy. If people don’t want to be left behind then you do need to pray and read. Here’s a definition of stupid that you may not of heard before, someone who’s not smart enough to do something about it.

Another way to avoid is the scoffing mocker and hypocrite. And the way of the foolish is even a harder one. They usually whine, complain and curse and anger is not far behind. If people knew what anger said about them they would probably show more self control. And If you have eyes to see then you know that it’s people who seek instruction that are the ones that hear and see warnings and reproof the most. And they’re the ones that know how to learn, mature and even profit from it. And its sensible people that see a reproof to be another opportunity to repent. A reproof is usually given to motivate, not belittle.

And people who know how to benefit from reproof will not see it as a way of undermining their personality. But how many people are mature, secure, stable and educated enough to use the experience of being rebuked?? PRO 15 : 32 The fool, hypocrite and scoffing mocker are a special target of WISDOM, and if you can ruffle their feathers a little, you might cause them to do what’s right. Their eyes are not necessarily evil, just blind. Their life is like an obstacle course because they fail to see the straight path that only those who seek WISDOM find.

Both paths are clearly laid out in the HOLY BIBLE. Do a word study about the way of the fool and mocker. And see if you agree with what you hear. If not think about why? Silent warnings for discerning minds, a rod for those who miss it. PRO 26:3 Verses 4 and 5 is a way of saying, be careful of how you give an answer to his mocking, if you do at all. Because if you do it wisely it’s going to hurt. How did the LORD JESUS answer the blind teachers of his day?

He even flipped over a few tables when he got serious.

Now is not the time to whine and complain like the mocker. Now is the time to pray and read if you don’t want to be left behind. And we are very fortunate to have that choice. I’d like to share something with you that was shared with me. Every child possesses a candle of its own – some particular power of heart or mind whereby the sum total of mans light maybe increased.

The business of the older generation is to see that the younger can get its candle lighted, and each child can plead that its special candle be given a chance. Every child is at least a potential ( compassionate) and it is the duty maybe even the business of society to train him or her and hope that their light of compassion is not extinguished but increased. After reading that a question came to mind. What would be worse than a man without compassion?

And if you’ve been paying attention you know that answer. A WOMEN. Here’s a prayer that was shared with me. JESUS we thank you for the night and the precious morning light, for rest and food and loving care and all that makes the day so fair, help us to do the things we should to be to others kind and good, in all we do and all we say to grow more loving every day, AMEN.

Now if you don’t answer their silent pleas for help then why should any of yours be answered? Then think of how many you’ve made. You might say you don’t need any help? But experience would say, let’s wait and see. So be careful of what you say to another you might cause them to repent. What causes the body to perish? Eating and drinking. If you tolerate sin, are you a part of the crime?

What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? Pride was the main crime. (EZE 16:49) Pride hears the call, greed buries the comfort. Something to seriously think about. How can you tell when a countries crimes can’t be tolerated any longer, pride will make demands for them to be made legal. How can I say that, I didn’t, Sodom, DID.

People sometimes fail to recognize the one who can compose the different seasons of the mind and can control every gene in the humane frame, THE LORD JESUS. You can also be handed over to fleshy desires to your own destruction. Have the doctors fed the people? A pill here, a pill there. That may bring temporary relief; it will definitely hinder your spiritual growth.

Have I mocked the doctor? Only his scope of perception. The only reason I graduated the eighth grade was to get rid of me. I even have to check my spelling. Embarrassing. Self control should be encouraged; more about that later. (SIRACH 18:8-14) Compassion. Have you ever heard a doctor say that eating meat is good for you or even healthy? Or have you heard it said that it’s a source of protein? Unfortunately, because of a lack of reading THE HOLY BIBLE , or not paying closer attention to what they were reading, many have strayed, fallen asleep or are lost. Some turned to the humbled dollar the flesh.

Others simply strayed from the Word. Other books can cause that and confusion. Results: no good fruits. The only thing I think I did differently was not chase the humbled dollar, avoid the church, and other books, and read with diligence.

I endured whatever befell me with patience, ears attentive. IMPATIENCE is a weakness that will challenge your focus. I didn’t respond with anger, but with prayer. I didn’t try to justify my sins, or past sins by blaming Adam for them. Are you saying that you sin because Adam did, or did Adam sin so you could? Who has ever sinned for another? If you’ve read that story, then you’ve seen that they were held accountable for their own sin; even when they tried to reason away their sin.

Nor did I try to justify sinning because of things that have happened to me in the past. How fast have those hearts been searched? How much more so, those living today who have the HOLY BIBLE for their instruction. You have the same choice as anyone else. Life and death is set before us All and whatever you choose will be granted.

Remember, the first stage of PRIDE is to desert the Word. (Pro 12:1) Never forsake the GOSPEL it’s your defense at the judgment. Humbly endure whatever befalls you with prayer. (Job 11:12) How do you search the hearts of people from all tongues, tribes, and nations? Provide the food and the glutton can’t hide, provide the wealth and you find the generous or the greedy, Speak the truth and the audience of hypocrisy fades. PS 64;8

If you can recognize the dove you’ll know the peacock. If you’ve seen the humble you’ve heard the brutish. Pursue the truth to avoid being deceived by a clever tongue. Many have sought to handle the WORD, only to discover that it has revealed their appetites. And what have yours said? A full plate in the morning another in the evening then go to bed. Then get up and stagger to a cup of coffee? Sounds a little intoxicating? Add the tv to that and it leads to another day of ignorance. Abandon recognition and bruises dessert the ego.

And If you know how to listen that means you’ve taken time to. MATT 13;24-30 Handling the WORD can be dangerous, and if you claim to be a preacher can you plead ignorance?? Now you have an idea of why I feared writing. How could you search the hearts of all people? Put an abundance in a country and gather people from around the world and give them an opportunity to gather whatever they can: faith, wisdom, knowledge, or material things.

Then see what they do with them. Faith should be shared with others. Wisdom is using the knowledge that you’ve attained in life, to benefit others. And if you have that knowledge, then you know that material things are just tools that can benefit others, as well. I’ve seen too many who have jumped into the Word just to splash it around a little for others to see. Calling themselves Dr., preacher, prophet, theologian, Why seek recognition if what they see is lawlessness?

I’ve also seen big churches saying how much god has blessed them. I’ve seen you cannot serve God and mammon. Why build a big church just to fill it with ignorance? Could lead to a sorry crop? They were counting on your ignorance. How can you measure spiritual blessings by material possessions? It’s not things that reveal or make you blessed, more often it’s the things you avoid, overcome and master that reveals GRACE at work.

Food, sinful passions and extravagance. THE PREACHER should have waited for the revelations of the HOLY SPRIT. You might say you did. One question, where’s the TEMPERANCE? Concerning just the basics, food and drink. It reveals the drunkards. 1 KINGS 13 :33 AMBITION before patients is not good, could reveal a pretentious character, only to be revealed later. (Ecclesiastes 8:11; Wis 1:4, 7:22)

Should have practiced moderation and fasted more. Should have sought wisdom. I didn’t want to write because of fear; at the same time I feared not writing. When you work both sides of the street the day will come when knowledge will reveal it. It’s called hobbling on one leg then the other, (I Kings 18:20)

The LORD JESUS is the only true GOD and he reveals it when you invoke his name without staggering between the others sayings like god, lord, Christ, or father god, intoxicating influences, that’s what took place in the Old Testament. Have you seen the church set a woman before THE LORD JESUS IN PRAYER? LK 11:27 If you will begin to appeal to the name JESUS without wavering between the other sayings with a sincere heart your prayer will be answered.

Seek to be born again and you will be when the HOLY SPIRIT is breathed into you. (John 3:3, 20:22, Wisdom 1:4, 9:17) I won’t try to explain it, hopefully you’ll find out for yourself.

And you don’t have to go to church to be to be born again, I didn’t. If you could grasp how pure the HOLY SPIRIT is, would you breathe the spirit into an unclean vessel? How do you know if they would make a sincere effort to keep that vessel clean with a sincere determination? (Mat 9:17, MK 2:22, LK 5:37, Joel 2:12-17

Have you heard it said (all foods declared clean) not true. Those words were added later, if you have an older Bible you won’t find those words in it. When knowledge is lacking what is false, may appear true where there’s knowledge, both are revealed. That’s also what happens when flesh and spirit meet, good fruits (deeds) and bad come to light. (Is 65:1-5, 66:17, Mat 15:10-29 MK 7:14

Something else to pay attention to MT 13;47 What were they separating on the shore? The clean fish from the unclean. EZE 22:25-31, MT7:15 Disobedience also defiles a man, something else mentioned in MAT 15:10-29 was, plants, (vegetarian)? What’s being encouraged there is self control; even the use of the bathroom makes you unclean. (Deut23:13) Disobedience defiled Adam. In 1 Cor 8:8 it is written we are neither the worse if we do not eat, nor the better if we do. Sounds like you’re better off if you do not eat; and worse if you do.


IT also sounds like the more you eat the more you struggle.

DO not let that verse slip by you, I’ll say that again, please do not let that verse slip by you. Because that one verse alone that’s found in one of the very letters of paul is the very opposite of what a lot of churches have been telling the people. With pauls letters you could lead the people one of two ways.

With the Gospels and Old Testament you can’t, unless they are blind. And that’s not all the churches have misled the people about. If I were to mention the law again I’d have to share more with you. At times when the law is mentioned in the new testament its referring to the TEN COMMANDMENTS. And another definition given refers to food, AS BEING PARCELED OUT.

So if anyone says to you that it’s buy GRACE we are saved not works. You could thank them and let them know that you are very aware of that. And then you could enlighten them by asking them if they know the definition of the word iniquity? Some BIBLES say evil doers, the American standard uses the very words, lawlessness. You see, without GRACE you will never get into Heaven and without the law you will not know the way.

Take a look at some churches, didn’t take long to confirm that. Would any church be against a religion of gratitude and sympathetic knowledge ? What would you have without the law? Lawlessness, iniquity? And what would that lead to? COLD hearts? The way is narrow but anyone who has followed it has seen how forgiving it can be. How great is that forgiveness? Have you ever read THE Old Testament? Then you know how swift the discipline can be. John the Baptist said to repent and believe.

But that sounds like your going to have to make an effort at doing things differently in life. And what would be a good standard to go by? Without one you would have confusion. That’s why even in the world you have laws that are of benefit to self and others.

So if you forsake the ten how much more confusing would life get? What is the reason for reading the HOLY BIBLE? To seek instruction and direction. Does your church continually speak about a GRACE and no works doctrine? They really should be careful. Some might think that what their saying is, that their to wicked to ever do any good.

Do some careful scrutiny and you will see why. If your church is against works then don’t give to it. And see how it does. Your giving is about the only work they say you’ll be blest for obeying. How fast could you define that kind of doctrine and lifestyle?

Three words, Lawless, LIP SERVICE.

Do a study about that if your serious about your faith. Take the works out of your faith and your left with lip service. And I don’t believe in what some churches call indulgences. That sounds more like a doctrine that says if you pay you can play. Would you really want to be found guilty of paying to abuse Grace? What kind of church do you go to?

And so you don’t think that I’m giving you my own opinion about the goodness of the law. I’ll share with you something I read in a dictionary. I looked up the word law and it covers a lot of different subjects so I’ll just share with you how it starts. A law in the most general and comprehensive acceptation in which the term, in its literal meaning, is employed, it may be said to be a rule laid down for the guidance of an intelligent being, by an intelligent being having power over him.

And we have to stop there because the definition goes on. Now I’m no biblical scholar or theologian but it sounds to me like what he’s saying there is, That, intelligent beings know that just as there are laws in nature there are also moral laws and when you try to impart those laws where aptitude and a sense of goodness is lacking you’ll be wasting your time. If you look up that word in a dictionary you’ll find that most of them would be in agreement about the goodness of the law. I think the reason for that is their honest and there not trying to get you to attend their church. You should look up the word law in a dictionary before buying it some only give a very brief definition of the law. How could so many churches write about the doctrines of GRACE only to put a face and even a price on them?

That doesn’t sound very Graceful OR Grace-filled. It sounds like a very dangerous appetite. So why keep them waiting for the biography? After all is it not a little prideful to think that others want to know anything about you. A word of advice for anyone who is serious about their salvation. Stop looking for answers from everyone else and read the HOLY BIBLE for yourself. Beginning to see why a lot of churches have avoided teaching from just the first three Gospels? Put your hopes in any other and you’ll find that your in trouble.

Has your church said eat and drink and rise to play and everything will be ok? Please read in the Apocrypha, Ben SIRACH 31:19. A little is sufficient for the well bred. Does that mean the less you eat, the cleaner the vessel? I’d say yes and eventually you attain your wings. IS 40;31 Bless the LORD JESUS O’my soul, PS103, IS40;31 I should explain. Please read Pro 6:6 if you’ve observed the life of some ants, then you’ve seen that some attain their wings and their very diligent, for the food that leads to life.

And only the HOLY BIBLE can lead you to immortality, and the way into the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. (DET 8:3-4 Wisdom book Apocrypha 16:26, MT 4:4) Some churches maybe up-set with these things, seems their content with money. But if your strength fails you on a good day, what will you do when disaster strikes, dishonored in wealth how much more in poverty. PS 49 PRO27;1

If being a counterfeit gets people’s attention, what does that say about the people? As the leader, so the people? There own lifestyle and tongue tells on them. SIRACH 1;25-30 How do you get hypocrisy to reveal itself? FILL their bellies and you fuel their tongues. The tongue of hypocrisy is its own worst enemy, eventually it betrays him. PS 64;7-8 SIRACH 23;8 And if what I’ve said is false then only the ignorant would believe it. No need to worry. Is guilt the root of worry?

Ignorance can make a plea, hearts revealed by actions taken. Church revealed by actions taken. And their tongue will confirm it. PRO 12;13 Did the WORD find a place in the head but not the heart? A sudden and hasty profession of it before the powerful experience of it?

But that to could be revealed by how soon action is taken. Start with something simple, like food. It could reveal if their open to the rest? And if they can grasp that they’ll be able to recognize a fraud. Never be afraid to question what a church teaches. The first question should be one you know the answer to. That should give you an idea about asking another. That same scrutiny could work with a doctor to . But how many second opinions could that lead to? But before you ask the question take the time to read for yourself. An ear that’s been open will catch the mingling and see the false enthusiasm at the table talk.

And once you’ve learned how to listen you’ll be able to discern the intentions. What does it mean to analyze, examine, investigate, break down, and RESOLVE? So listen to the speech or sermon then wait and see what’s for sale. See how the one leads to the other?

And do yourself a favor and don’t write in your bibles, as you become more enlightened you’ll be sad that you did. When hypocrisy heads the church you attend you either lack knowledge or you’re in agreement. What hope do their children have? Whose prayers for them would be heard?? Hearts revealed by actions taken.

Trying to teach people who pretend ignorance is like trying to instruct the hypocrite, absolutely no interest in truth or knowledge, an ill soul manifested in the flesh. Absolutely no interest in intellectual or spiritual matters, simpleminded, and what happened to ethics.

And that was the first error, pride is what ignorance pursues. And if you missed that try waking someone who’s pretending to be asleep. You can have knowledge and know one may even know it, but ignorance makes no effort to hide, nor does a busy tongue, and that’s the folly of pride. Hypocrisy is an inadequate or insincere attempt to attain a certain condition or quality.

Recognition is a dangerous ambition and its one of the more aggressive passions. PRETENSION, suggests ardent desire for recognition of accomplishment often without actual possession of the necessary knowledge or ability and therefore may imply presumption.

BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES, PRO23:4, 27: 1-2 Ignorance, doesn’t sound like much to boast about. Sensitive souls are cautious and listen to a warning, callous souls grow angry and frustrated. PRO14;16-17 And with one look the sensitive mind perceives impressions. Continue supporting false doctrine makes you apart of the crime. How fast can the heart be searched? No weapon forged against truth shall prevail. Put the word into practice and it will defend your behavior.

If you lack knowledge, you may stumble into a pit. When you gather knowledge you can add years to your life, and the faithful immortality. Blind guides who lead the blind. Please read MT 15:14, 23:16, Lk 6:39.Other books: Lk 16:29. I’ve heard it said show me a Christian who lives like a Christian and I’ll consider being one, response: WHERE was the desire to serve to begin with.

Seeing hypocrisy in the lives of others shouldn’t hinder you from doing your best. Have you ever heard the saying, o’my God? It’s usually during or after some disaster. And who gave him any thought the day before?? Wealth is no defense against disaster but your prayers could be. Have you heard it asked why does God allow this or that to happen to people?

When your children go out to play and one of them falls and scrape’s there knee did you allow that to happen to them? OF course not, so you pick them up and clean there wound and PRAY that it doesn’t happen again. AND WHEN YOU ARE OUT AND ABOUT AND YOU STUMBLE AND SCRAPE YOUR KNEE, ARE YOU GOING TO BLAME THE LORD JESUS FOR THAT TOO? DO YOU LACK AWARENESS AND SELF CONTROL? Concerning your body, sensual indulgence.

When knowledge is lacking, you may not be aware of the consequences of a lack of self-control. Stormy seasons of the mind, are the results of any sin. Conscious or unconscious ones. (Deut 28; Ps 107; Job 33:14) If you were struck with a sickness would you say why GOD? Here’s something to think about. What path have you lead your kids to? What if they said why mom? Why dad? How fast could you get people to realize how serious choices are?

How do you think Adam and Eve felt when they heard about Able? That’s how unpredictable life can be when you live in the flesh. So instead of saying why GOD, ask why the full plate. Temperance can keep you from the hospital, and blaming THE LORD JESUS. And that’s something that some didn’t want others to know.

And now you have an idea of how it feels when you blame a person for something that he didn’t do. Can you see how too much fault has been directed towards THE LORD JESUS, concerning death. Far too often it’s the results of living in the unpredictable flesh, confusion, and a failure to heed warnings. LUKE 13;

The teachings of the HOLY BIBLE are to sensitive for someone fleshy to try to understand. Especially if they lack self-control. Trying to understand the deeper teachings of the scriptures calls for being emotionally aware and responsive to the most sensitive depths of the spirit. What is on the surface may be seen; but the deeper teachings call for prayer and serious thought and when you abide in the WORD and keep reading you may receive the second or intended message. DEUT 29;29 Moderation and self-control are very important. The stormy seasons of the mind give a clear warning. And the sicknesses that follow will confirm it.

With cloudy minds storms are sure to come, and how much more so if food is the fuel that feeds them. Leave the pig alone and it will leave your past alone. Even the blood of swine cries for justice. Do you know the Biblical definition of the word tomb in the New Testament? NOW, you can decide for yourself if there’s harmony in the following verses: LK 8: 22-40, Is 5:20, Mat 8:23-34, Mk 4:35, 5:1-21, Is 65:4, 66:17, Pro 30:12

The storm on the lake is symbolic of the hidden conflicts or mental anguish that has lurked within fleshy human beings. Anyone wondering what to do during those storms? Get some rest. Keep your eyes on JESUS HE showed us the way. And after reading those verses, you can decide for yourself if pork is clean.

And then read what was said in MATT 23:27 and pay attention to the definition of the word, uncleanness , in the kjv and strong’s concordance or corruption in other translations. And another word you could investigate would be, whitewash. EZE 13:1 And give some thought about , A LACK OF MORALS AND `UNCLEAN FOODS. And the natural consequences that follow when you fail to listen to common sense and your conscience.

Did you see how THE LORD JESUS reached out to what the jews would of considered to be a pagan people. The swine and people associated with it were considered to be something to avoid. Not just because it’s unclean but also because of the symbolic imagery that went along with it. The obscurantist tendencies to ignorance, gluttony, greed, lust and selfishness are just a few.

Or do you have a desire to enlighten your neighbor with truth and not deceit? Or does your, discernment, meager diet, self control and generosity prove that not to be true? The Swine also delights in wallowing, in filth and dung. ROUGH, RUDE, RAW and UNCOUTH. But it was known that with help the people could ( sober up) The definition for, (right mind). And Paul was not known for eating swine. And now you know why.

WHAT THE FLESH ORDERS IS USAULLY NOT GOOD FOR YOU. That should give you an idea of how many the church has laid to rest. And what about self-control; concerning the body, self-indulgence, and eccentric, whimsical behavior?

Have you seen another reason for the seasons OF THE MIND and lack of the “revelations of the HOLY SPIRIT in your own life? Feelings, tastes, aromas. Please read JOB 31:7 Matt 5:27-30, 18:7-9 Mk 9:42; Jonah 3:8. Has the cross revealed how not to crucify the LORD JESUS again? Full plate, full glass, two or three times a day, and then go your own way. Silent warnings.

Don’t be a pain in the neck. (Pro 29:1)

You may be shown to Put a lid on it.

Don’t be lightheaded life is to serious; you might stumble and scrape your knee.

Or find yourself in a boat with one oar. Prayer and fasting is very refreshing, the results speak for themselves. Maybe a little confusing at first. Like spring cleaning, you draw the curtains and open a window.

Have you’ve ever wondered why some teachings are repeated in the scriptures, if it’s not grasped the first time, then maybe it will be the second time. And the third would be to instill it deep into your consciousness. More about the conscience, later. (Matt 18:7-11)

You think you’d be better off without hands or feet? Of course not, but now you have an idea of how serious life is. If were encouraged to make such sacrifices concerning some of the most precious possessions that interferes with moral progress, then how much more with things like food and drink. MATT 18;8-9

If it’s PEACE you want, then make your peace with the LORD JESUS (Is 27:5; Wisdom 6:17) Those who obey will be blessed with good fruit. (Ecclesiastes 12:13) Too much eating and drinking cause’s drunkenness of the mind. (PRO 23:20) How fast can the heart be searched?

Do you think people have been led astray by the fascination of evil? I wonder how you would answer that. Response: what fascination is there in evil? That’s fast, AY? Love is revealed in obedience, ask Abraham. Abraham is justified by faith. What kind of faith? A faith that responds to grace with obedience. You say prove it. What were the first words spoken to Abraham? (Gen 12:1-4) Command: spoken and obeyed.

Were these not the last words spoken to Abraham? (Gen 22:18, 26;5 ) That flowed together very well. How fast has the heart been searched? Has the church prospered? At the cost of those who lack knowledge, who were willing to pay for books and tapes, taking advantage of the peoples generosity. Then they boast about the very things that leads to their shame, books, books, books, god said this, god said that, god, god, god.

A skillful tongue would rarely make the mistake of abusing one word so much. Especially the word, GOD. But a deceitful tongue has a reason for doing so. Have you seen how greed looks for righteous reasons for the chase.

Their crimes are to plain and obvious to be denied. Should have read Lk 16:29. If you continued reading those verses mentioned you may have seen stumbling blocks mentioned. (1 Pet 1:22) A mother’s milk provides all the nourishment a baby needs, sounds like the HOLY BIBLE. Sounds like faith and harmony flowing together in those and other verses; to many to mention. Faith flows throughout the scriptures.

The church should have listened to the first letter sent out. Sport around with a sinner and you may get dirty. The only difference is a willful sinner likes it.

Does he continue to do it? (SIRACH 13:1) Better to read at home in peace, then to listen to a loud voice with hand out, then telling a joke. (Ecclesiastes 9:17) How can you take a sermon serious when jokes are told? Can you show me a joke in the Holy Bible? NONE; that’s how serious, THE BOOK Is. Is there peace in the house? Hopefully. If not, too much meat. (Pro 15:17) Is there strife between husband and wife?

Would you spurn some honest and even free advice? And even dislike those who would warn you? Before you answer, ask yourself a question. Is he or she worth a little effort? Now, I wonder if he or she has already seen that answer? OK, have the kids? And like the gold ring in a pigs snout, is the lovely woman who spurns good sense. PRO 11:22 I’ve seen how holding the tongue causes the mind to investigate.

And I’ve also seen how sometimes it takes the heart to convince the mind to do, what the flesh doesn’t want you to. Chose wisely. PRO 23:20-21

That’s also a reference to spiritual poverty which is far more serious. Did you say you want balance in life? Jokes have their time and place, and meat has its time. Concerning balance. Okay, take a vessel, a boat, it has a hole in it, and one oar. Not funny, AY? I didn’t think so either. I’d rather have a sound vessel. If you make light of small matters, eventually you will sink.

So how much quicker when serious ones have been set before you. Did you say: it works for them, why not for me? Here’s a verse to give you an idea of how serious it is to observe the Law, and practice self-control. (Mat 13:30) A tare or darnel is an undesirable element. Action or teaching, doctrines. All the other books.

Especially those that fail to produce good fruit. (Wisdom 8:7; Pro 1:31; Jer 6:19; Mat 7:17; Mk 4:20; Lk 6:43) You may have heard some churches speak about planting materiel seeds especially the humbled dollar.

For good reason, the focus there is to pick your pocket. Ignorance duped again. A spiritual seed is something that causes or stimulates spiritual growth and development. There are more verses that flow in harmony in the Old and New Testament, concerning good and bad fruits- deeds, doctrines, Thoughts, the way you Think. PS49;9, PRO 1;29 IS 66;18 JER 6 ; 19

Hopefully you will take time to see how they come together in harmony. There’s something else that you need to understand. THE MORE YOU FEED YOUR FLESH, the more your flesh in return is going to demand satisfaction. Anyone who lacks self control has already proved that to be true.

And it’s revealed in other ways. With some it’s more food and when that fails to satisfy it can lead to chasing the humbled dollar or sex, sports, drinking, t.v. internet, CELL PHONE and so on.

And when all that fails to satisfy, and it will, some get presumptuous and ambitious and start looking for recognition (POPULARITY)

The dangerous one,

because it reveals a yielding to the others, a yielding to the demands of the flesh. Namely food. Give thanks for the Grace that helps you to over come those demands. And little by little the flesh willfully follows the influences of the HOLY SPIRIT. Sounds like a HOLY HARMONY.

A harmonious understanding. Sounds like something the church should of told you about. Why wouldn’t it? Friend or deceiver? But some might say not true. Then you need to read the story of Adam and eve again.

Then you need to read about what took place when the LORD JESUS was presented with temptation.LK 4:1 And yes THE LORD JESUS was hungry, but not for the necessary food of mortals, hungry to reveal. What you see there is he did the opposite of what Adam and eve did. And by doing so were shown the way back to having a personal and intimate relationship with the LORD JESUS.

That’s if you’ve been born again and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. Because it’s only with the help of the LORD JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT that were able to do that.

A relationship that’s based on love, faith, trust, loyalty, and respect. And being thankful always. Something else I’ve seen there is that when you say no to whimsical ,reckless and careless eating habits, then saying no to the other dangerous appetites is just as easy. Then you’re ready to share the Gospel.

Have you ever felt unprepared or unqualified or even shy about sharing the Gospel? Maybe you know why now. What did the LORD JESUS do after the temptations? Please read LK 4:14 He shared the Gospel, Awesome AY. Something else you might of seen there is you will be in agreement with a desire to show the way or in agreement to deceive your neighbor and maybe your own loved ones.

Have you ever wondered what the will of JESUS would be for your life? Would it be a full plate? Something else we see there is, when one way is revealed, then you can discern the other. If you lack discernment how can you hope to see what others have missed in life. Now you may not of realized it yet but one of those paths eventually leads us straight back to the Garden, be patient, the Garden that Adam and Eve were cast out of.

SOMETHING, to think about, AY. Hopefully you also chose to follow the character of THE LORD JESUS, because yes, there are two paths in life, and right now you’re on one of them! But it’s not to late to change the road your on. NOW, are you in agreement to show the way or to deceive your neighbor? OR just keep it hidden??

What did your church choose? What about the government?

What about hollywood? What has the humble dollar caused so many to do? Keep the bread from their own children? Do we really think we are tested to see what we would do? Or to remind us of what we are like, and that we need help. What is a test? An opportunity to reveal loyalty?

Now how do you become the best you can be? The Gospels reveal that also. MATT 6:27 JESUS is speaking about character and maturity there. That chapter also encourages us to observe our surroundings carefully think about them and even scrutinize characters, thoroughly. Even the FOWLS of the air are used to get peoples attention.

Now you see how food, money and recognition has searched the hearts of not just the church, but all people. THE HOLY BIBLE IS AN AWESOME BOOK. Any one that has used it to obtain sordid gain lacks good sense, but not pains.

The New Jerusalem Bible w/ Apocrypha is a good translation. (Be careful of the brief commentaries some try to lead you to worship a woman) The word Apocrypha means things kept hidden. But I have other translations. The way the KJV is worded is not your everyday language it’s more like poetry but the Psalms are great and it’s helpful for doing word studies. The new American standard version w/ Apocrypha is known for being almost a word for word translation.

Without a lot of commentary. And it was the first Bible I read and still do. I’ve heard it said that the Apocrypha is not part of the Bible. I’ve seen sensible people recognize wisdom when they see it; and they never forsake it. SIRACH 41:14 You might say what need is there for the Law?

That’s not a question prompted by wisdom. SIRACH 33:2 Take a look at the world, and a closer look at the churches; is there harmony? Or mutual agreement to deceive? Let’s wait and see, or listen? JESUS said that he didn’t come to abolish the Law; he came to fulfill the Law. A compilation of teachings. (Mat 5:17)

Keep your eyes on THE LORD JESUS he showed us the way. Good fruits- the effects or consequences of an action or operation. The Law helps you to regulate the details of everyday life and identify the best course of action, providing a focus of unity, and concentration of religious energies. If you’ve been Born Again, you’ve been raised from the dead. LIVE LIKE IT. Remember the ants that are granted wings?

The food they gather germinates later. For you it’s the words of the HOLY BIBLE. The LORD JESUS showed us the way in the New Testament. And the scribes and Pharisees revealed another. Some may be wounded by “friendly” fire. What is worse than a preacher with a full belly revealing drunkenness and loose tongue? What about the woman? What’s worse than a brutish man? Some translations say stupid. PRO 12:1, JER 10:8, 2PET 2: 12

I think you would agree that it would be worse to say nothing. Please read: Eze 3:18, 18; 1, Pro 10:10; Sirach 27:22 The tongue and behavior (lifestyle) can reveal friend or ill-wisher. You want to make them jealous? Teach your children.

Show them how to avoid a swank, degenerate, and swaggering lifestyle. Hopefully you have a dictionary. (Zeph 1:8) What are the first signs of a lapse into paganism? Forsaking the Saturday Sabbath and eating swine’s flesh.

And remember, zeal without knowledge is not good and can be dangerous to self and others. True zeal being a strong, steady, uniform, benevolent affection. And a false zeal is a strong, desultory, boisterous, brazen, and selfish passion. The tongue can reveal honor and shame. It can also be the owner’s downfall. Seems the more the church speaks, the more you have to work with. For better, or?

If your not well schooled silence gives people less to work with. I’ve heard it said, nobody likes a critic? So what would be wrong with a sober evaluation? We should never ignore words that reprove, PRO 3:7 How dangerous is a liberal? If there’s no compassion for a child then how much are you worth? Something else you probably never thought of. So far the target has only been confused women. Give a liberal a corner and later a claim will be made for the soul.

Touch the eye, draw a tear; touch the heart, perceive the ripples. SMILE- your mother chose life. Reveal a sense of shame, wait for the right mate. Bump a jar, see what flows. Bump a mate, listen for the tongue. When is reproof necessary, when shame fails to encourage. The Word is like a mother setting forth her teachings. (Mat 13:34)

Still not convinced concerning the appetite (BELLY)? I thought not. I try to be as clear as possible when explaining spiritual matters. But I can’t make it any clearer than the Holy Bible has. I can only direct you to scripture; than you can decide for yourself. What was Adam and Eve led astray by? Appetite?

Itch of the flesh. Than what happened, eyes opened, lust of the eye, did they want recognition also? To be like God. Itch for recognition. Sounds like a dangerous ambition, another cause for their fall. (Gen 3:5-6)

Fortunately they had a tender conscious and soon acknowledged their crime. Even so both were held accountable for their own crime. What’s interesting are the punishments rendered. (Belly, appetite) Was mentioned. (Gen 3:14) Will you go on your belly and follow fleshy appetites? I’ve seen that a person could be handed over to their appetites as their discipline or destruction, Revealing a fleshy soul. Others can be robbed of their appetites, JOB 33; 19-20

Another could be handed over to the pains and sicknesses that are in the world. GEN 3;16 Another to the seasons of the mind while toiling for food, causing sweat to fall from the face. Revealing a fleshy soul. Toiling for food that can lead to corruption of mind, body and soul. Brambles and thistles do not satisfy. GEN 3;17 Flesh for the fleshy; spirit for those who are spiritual. PRO 30; 11-15

In other words, if you want to be fleshy eat or READ whatever you want. To be spiritual read the Word and allow it to satisfy you. Be Children of the Word, not deadly appetites and ambitions. (Gen 3:14) That’s where the enmity began. Hostility too much flesh, lust and recognition fuels violence while the spirit gives life. Remember: avoid recognition at all cost.

If you do well it is already known to the One that cares the most about your soul. So if you attend church or not, if you made a sincere effort to do well, rejoice knowing that it is known by the LORD JESUS It’s never to late. The Holy Bible is a tree of WISDOM. PRO 3;18, 8;35 SIRACH 19;19 The chapters are like branches of different teachings producing good fruits, silent prayers and thoughts of praise . (JOHN6:53) giving life to all who eat from it. JESUS is the Word. (Lk 22:19)

If you love knowledge you can BE TAUGHT. Then it’s your duty to put it into practice with help and a little effort you can. What are the reasons for the storms or seasons of the mind? LK 8 ; 21- 39 , 11;27, Call it training for a migration. DET 8;5 Seek to be Born Again, what the LORD JESUS did on the cross enables us to be filled with the Holy Spirit and overcome sin. It’s also an awesome inspiration to read PSALMS 104:30, Mt 7:13, Lk 13:24

Something else mentioned in the verses; only a few find it. Sounds like it will only take a few to proclaim it throughout the earth. Who would’ve thought that the way to a man’s end would’ve been revealed in the beginning? DANGEROUS APPETITES (Ps 150:6)Let everything that has breath PRAISE THE LORD! (2Chron 7:14; JOEL2;32 Acts 2:21) When you share the divine name without wavering you will soon be sharing in the glory that goes with it. It is thru the name and the WORD that souls are refreshed and regenerated not the other books or sayings.

Remember the name JESUS and the word “please”; you’ll be glad you did, it reveals respect. PSALMS 145:18 And if you say thank you to one who is hospitable you may very well hear the words, your welcome! HOW often have you heard the words please LORD JESUS in prayer or at church? Or god said this, god said that, or lord? A word for the false counselor. IS 28;14-22, JER 5;12

Still not convinced about the HOLY BIBLES ability to lead and teach you.PRO30;17 I would first like to say that what the scriptures do is plant seeds of faith and little by little they take root and all you have to do is keep reading. It’s the water they need to grow. So please read, PRO 19;26-27, 20;20, 23;22, 30;17 In the book of ECCLESIASTICUS - Ben SIRACH, NOT ECCLESIASTES, which is after PROVERBS. Ben SIRACH speaks about planting seeds in his book.

Then you can be confident of your training. Hopefully you will read the book for yourself. It was the churches duty to lead souls to a true and complete conversion. A reuniting of soul and HOLY SPIRIT.

Sounds like a wedding. Will the church complete that duty? Don’t let gluttony keep you in the wilderness or in slavery. I’ve seen that some haven’t even made it to the wilderness, BECAUSE OF DEADLY APPETITES, still in bondage?

Self control reveals sobriety. And if it doesn’t bend, IT will be broken. Many have died because of hunger, for what? Do yourself a favor and don’t let your heart be searched.

Just because you see someone grow old in sin doesn’t mean there were no consequences for committing them. That would only reveal your lack of experience concerning the seasons of the mind. Happy heart, gay looks, sad thoughts crush the spirit. Happy face, cheerful expression. A false impression, if the mind doesn’t share them, ask the hypocrite, never mind he’d lie.

I’d like to quote a few verses from a Bible, Ecc 8:10-14. I have seen Godless men go peacefully to their graves. They had lived their lives out in the Haunts of Holiness; and won the name of good men from their fellow citizens; here to is frustration.

Because sentence is not pronounced on the evildoers without more ado, men are prone to live sinfully. ( Another way of saying, when sin is not dealt with swiftly the simple think it’s ok to do the same.) Yet, though the sinner presumes on the Divine patience that has Borne with a hundred misdeeds. I know well enough that blessings are for those who fear God; who fear his frown. Never a blessing for sinners; never be it said they lived out their full span of years!

Reckless of God’s frown. See they pass like a shadow, and are gone. Another kind of frustration, to, the earth sees, there are upright men that are plagued as though they lived the lives of sinners. Just as there are sinners who take no harm than if they could plead innocence. This is a frustration indeed. END of quote. 1 KINGS 12 ; 31, 13;33 IS 28:17-18

The Wisdom books were not written for the scoffer, but for those who would encounter them. Scoffer like hypocrite speaks falsely but in a artful manner, in order to produce ignorance of the true facts. Think about that. What some churches call a gift to teach is nothing more than a lot of clever schooling. A LOT of weaving and mingling of words and doctrines.

That leads to a lot of peddling of books. JER 7;8-11, 23;30 JOHN 2;13 Are they serious? Did you hear any jokes? SIRACH 37;19-21 Now some might say this pen could have been put to better use with words of encouragement, others have tried that and even spoke about love, it didn’t work. Still others will be encouraged.

I wonder if some people will be offended by this letter? I have a better answer; I know those who won’t be. I say lets bury deceit and pray for healing and read the HOLY BIBLE and listen to the music. How do you know if the LORD JESUS has spoken to you?

Does It benefit others or self? How much do you read the HOLY BIBLE for yourself, if you read it more you would never ask that question. And when you do, you reveal a lack of knowledge. And if you ask the church that question, you wouldn’t get a straight answer, or they wouldn’t be in the predicament it’s in.

You might have heard it said, you can feel it in your gut. Please read, ROM 16:18, PHIL 3:19 you”ve probably also heard the word god said a lot on TV and in church, what fuels that? God said this, god said that, god, god, god, why? LACK of self-control? Next time you hear a sermon or speech see if you can count how many times you hear the word God being abused.

A patient, thoughtful and sober mind would wait for the right words so as not to abuse the use of that word so much. And when you’ve been born again and start sharing the name JESUS with others without wavering between the other sayings you will discover that you’re going to have to start filtering your words a little or a lot more.

And when you do that you’ll find that you will be left with fewer words and hopefully they’ll be the right ones. And when you’ve been born again NO titles of darkness should ever proceed from your tongue. Why say this or that made you do wrong. When you’re the one who did it. Avoid such titles it can reveal the force behind the speeches or the sermons. When your leading people to the Light why would you want to make mention of darkness?

The body maybe well dressed and even look clean, but it’s the tongue that makes it clear. Reveal your self control and share the name JESUS without risk of confusion. Please read, 2Tim2:19-22 I’ve seen that It Is unsteady souls that waver among the different sayings, lord, Christ, god, father god, mary and where ever their fancy takes them.

So you see anyone who shares THE NAME JESUS WITH OUT WAVERING is held accountable and discipline can be swift, with the hopes of keeping you from the severe, that’s from experience. (IS 12; 1) A little biblical wisdom concerning moderation, LUKE 7:33

Do you know what It’s like to be nourished by the HOLY BIBLE, pay attention you may find yourself content with only eating what the body consumes. Pay attention you may find yourself no longer seeking the nourishment of ordinary mortals. BOOK OF WISDOM 16 : 26

Another gift of GRACE, A love that quenches all fleshy appetites. Again think natural, chemicals confuse mind and body. The way to life, why has It taken so long for It to be revealed? CONFUSION, Appointed time, humble dollar? Where in the Gospels could THE LORD JESUS have articulated the fact that eating and drinking would be among the reasons that the people would seek to have him crucified?

And at the same time reveal how others would do the same even today, spiritually speaking, because of the way they eat and drink. JOHN 2; 4 Ignorance can make a plea, a heart is revealed by actions taken. Your body was not created for your own amusement. PS 36 What would the LORD JESUS do for anyone who would just simply read his WORD the BIBLE sincerely?

And make a sincere effort to put it into practice? What about the feelings, taste and aromas of the HOLY SPIRIT, and little need or none at all for the crops of the earth. LK 10;7 You can actually get an idea of how many people are searching for answers to some of life’s questions. Take a look at how many books are sold. The all time best seller is still the HOLY BIBLE.

Where’s the good soul? If more people would actually read THE HOLY BIBLE they would be fed. The leaders of today and in the future could very well be known for tipping the scales towards a nation’s moral fall or promoting biblical ones.

How fast can your conscience define a moral act? Would you want it done to you or your child? That’s fast AY? Is it worth the risk? A clear conscience is the reward of integrity.

What’s the definition of that word? How is a sinner to be justified if he allows or continues to do what even he believes to be wrong? You do have a choice, life or death is set before every one. Whatever you choose will be given. SIRACH 15; 16-17 And as we’ve all seen ignorance of sin doesn’t lessen the effects of it, the body can reveal it, the seasons of the mind confirm it.

Could even the simplest of minds be convinced? Does a lash on the flesh draw attention? Proverbs 10;10 Speak the truth and you’ll convince even the intelligent, for lacking ears what is false will do. Trying to understand the riddles in life sometimes requires having a agile mind and a spiritual agility and prayer.

Like the sheep chasing a wolf. As the flesh grows older it takes on a different appearance, subtle, quite, and a smooth tongue. It takes discernment to catch it. Discernment before scrutiny and before you find fault make sure you have the remedy, and reveal your good manners offer them something to eat. How smooth can the speeches get?? Listen closely to the ones that lead to your giving because that’s when they get serious.

And when you look back on the on the sermon ask yourself a question. Why the jokes during the sermon? The reason, because if you were to get SERIOUS about your faith you would read more and learn more and then you would probably not attend that church anymore. And they know that, and now you do.

And now you know the reason for the jokes. How do you impart understanding to people who don’t know how to listen? How could you distinguish what people treasure in life? Pay attention to what they get serious about. A smooth tongue will speak only the words necessary to produce the effect that he desires without having to reveal or convey the whole truth. I’m trying to keep you from being swindled so please listen.

If the church and synagogues agree with the doctrines in the HOLY BIBLE and the ordinances set forth in the scriptures then why don’t they put them into practice? Unless their intention is to hinder the people and keep them a prisoner of their appetites or in the wilderness, (lost.)

The Hebrews were delivered from Egypt, and their dangerous appetites. What sin would be greater then hindering the people from entering heaven. How dangerous and wicked is it to use THE HOLY BIBLE to deceive your neighbor to get ahead in life? What is a viper? What is a deceiver? MATT 23:15 Which would be the embodiment of deceit?

Which one goes thru life both ways to get ahead? PS 52:7 SIRACH 31:5 MATT 6:24, 23;13-33 LK 11;52 Which way will you chose? The key of knowledge is the WORD itself, and good faith, in THE LORD JESUS THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT.

Anything outside of that is legalistic. Is your church legalistic? What does it say about your giving. When I hear that word it sounds like someone who fears a reproof on their life. How do you recognize the self righteous? How do they handle criticism PRO 12:1 What keeps them from repenting? MATT 21:31

I’ve seen it can be helpful if their right, but if not then only the ignorant would believe it. Is it the opinion of just one, or does the BIBLE confirm it? The conscience of the innocent is not their enemy. PRO 26:2 And what good is the bribe to silence that tongue? Legalism is a term that the early modern Christians came up with to avoid a reproof on their life and an excuse for their lack of making a sincere effort.

If you desire to be saved it is by your faith, and prayers and you reading for yourself, but all I did was ask the LORD JESUS FOR help. The church has conjured up Its own doctrines and said that’s the way. But even my grade school education has seen the results of that, thanks to the HOLY SPIRIT. Your only hope for a pure doctrine and pure waters is you taking time to read the scriptures for yourself. PSALMS 84:4, 127:1

The HOLY BIBLE does not need the help or comments of man. It’s the soul of man that needs the light of the HOLY SPIRIT. The things relative to salvation are easily apprehended when the light of the HOLY SPIRIT illuminates the human intellect. And I believe that the HOLY SPIRIT is living in me and I’ve been shown to embrace only one book the HOLY BIBLE.

And because I did seek instruction and the judgments in the scriptures for myself. The Gospel was presented to me in a loving and graciously way. It’s not the doctrines of any church or men or their books that will save you. The WORD and the WORD alone is the nourishment for all who are born again.

Egypt trusted in their idols, horses and army and they were washed away. Any one feel like their drowning, lost, depressed, or just miserable, sick and tired of being sick and tired? How were you living before you realized it? PSALMS 147:3 The church put its trust in their idols, books and the peoples ignorance. Not hard to grasp for those who read.

Then the people where led into the wilderness. And where are they today? The appetites reveal it. Seems it’s been that way since the cross. Now that the people know, what will they do? A word of warning don’t let your own hands keep you from reading, understanding and putting into practice the teachings in scripture and entering heaven. Self control concerning the body is not a popular subject because of shame. I didn’t realize people had such a problem with it.

And I’ve been shown that it’s too serious to avoid. It’s even more serious than chasing the humbled dollar, even a rich man may get into heaven. MATT 19;23, MK 10;23 LK 18;24 And many have been lost because of both. And what’s seen on tv is a perfect reflection of a nations wickedness. What has fueled the ignorance, from kids programs to adult? Unadulterated ignorance, for lack of CULTURE.

What could possibly be funny about an uncouth ignorance? Like a joke during a sermon. Hard to believe ignorance would be so popular. Is it simple minds that find violence and ignorance entertaining? Only to their shame are the simple exalted. AND THAT TO IS BECAUSE OF IGNORANCE. Arrogance and pride, (love of self )and(self indulgence) no nothing about shame.

By now even someone spiritually blind should be able to grasp at least some of what’s been said.

Especially if you have common sense. I’ve seen that just a few scriptures informs more than mans whole log. And if you will take time to read for yourself you’ll soon discover that the WORD will feed you better than any crops of the earth. After the LORD JESUS came to me I found myself eating less than half of what I use to eat, and at times even less.

And eventually I thought I would test self to see what little I could live on without wasting away. And for about two and a half months I ate the equivalent of about a roll a day, without wasting away, Awesome AY. Did I just reveal how to recognize good church bad church and those who missed the way? Many have been heeled, but how many have been made whole? The Gospels speak about a feast, and I wouldn’t expect to find any bull on those plates.

On judgment day how many will be declared clean?

How many profane? How many would be squatters? ISAIAH 64:5-6 But I should also say that there were times of feasting, like thanksgiving. That could also be a good time to reveal what little is needed. There are different things in life that search the heart and for some a test or two. A good neighbor could be your best friend when both are content. For the church it’s the congregation like the doctor with a patient, and if you have kids it’s something to think about.

When you take in the WORD in its purist form, that is no other books, you will be fed, filled and SATISFIED. SIRACH 37;19 LUKE 10; 7, 17;7-10 MATT 6;25 Some might say they don’t believe it. That’s devastating because unless you make the effort you will never live it. And common sense should tell you that it wasn’t the little bit of bread a day or the couple of glasses of fluids a day that sustained me.

It was and is the words of the HOLY BIBLE, that sustains me. Sounds like the fountain of youth, you would be right. You to could be living proof that the HOLY BIBLE is the fountain of youth. And so I don’t leave people with the wrong impression, I should say that I do still eat. At the time of writing this anyway.

But with moderation and even temperance. From what I’ve read about the Exodus there was a time when the Hebrew people were content during that journey with much or little. That can be seen in the writings that speak about the manna. Exodus 16:17-18 It says that some collected more and some less. A way of expressing being content.

Another verse that expresses the same thing can be found in the Wisdom book of Solomon. 16:21 And for all who believe and read that Manna is THE HOLY BIBLE. And for people who are serious about being born again you could try a three day fast. No food or drink. That would be a time of complete self control. So that nothing issues from the body by the second or third day. Hosea 6:1 Curb the appetites and spend some intimate time with the HOLY BIBLE. A vegetarian will have a more pleasant experience.

And some may have had experiences similar to that of Jacob or Samuel. The book of Samuel actually speaks about a door to Heaven being opened. Better to be humble and cautious than radical and reckless. Than you can enter the Waters safely ,with out risk.

Live with the expectation of being born again. What would you consider to be a new creation, a peculiar people? How can I say what’s been said in these letters? See if you can figure it out. Spiritually speaking what the LORD JESUS did for me took less than two years from the day of being born again. And it would have been less if I would of avoided some of the church doctrines earlier than I did. How long have the churches been around? And after being born again one church in particular started hounding me.

A quite man who is not easily angered is one you should of left alone. And all offers to join it were rejected. Even after numerous threats. I wouldn’t sport around with a church that willfully seeks to lead others astray and pump up the flesh secretly, channeling. PRO 1;11-19, 4:16 ISAIAH 59;5;8 And who knows what goes on behind closed doors. You may have heard about it on tv. Please read MATT 7;15-16, EPH 5 ; 11

The title of this letter probably should have been, how to recognize a religious fraud, OR, (THAT THEY MIGHT KNOW) and ask is it worth the risk? Something you need to seriously think about, the church either lacks knowledge, OR IT KNOWS EXALTLY what it’s doing. Ignorance can make a plea, hearts revealed by actions taken. PRO 9;7-9

Don’t be deceived just because you hear the word god or the name JESUS now and then or the word lord doesn’t necessarily mean a Godly person or church.

Unfortunately I’ve seen it reveal the opposite far too often. PRO 1;10-15 NOW you know why the word god is used in place of the name, JESUS. ISAIAH 26 ;13 , 2 TIMOTHY 2 ; 19 Put your preacher to the test, more about that latter. HOLY VESSEL? A sweet voice doesn’t always mean a sweet heart, it may reveal fear, of being discovered, by seeking to be.

And if it comes with a pretty face that should remind you of how artful deceit can be. If you’re a student of Peter than do what Peter taught, be sincere to the word. If you’re a student of Paul then you may not be sure about what to do? You may be like a storm tossed ship, the seasons of the mind? SIRACH 33 :2 But that to would be your fault for not paying closer attention.

The church twisted his doctrine. And you can usually recognize a student of Paul by a certain saying, Christ. But I’ve seen some people who were humble enough to recognize how that sounded and actually felt when it came out of their mouth and choose not to use that saying.

Now if a man who was a drunkard with a grade school education seen that how did a woman miss it, or the preacher? The reason for leading you to the letters? To keep you there year after year after year. To the point of almost being trite and STEREOTYPE. How can I say that? How many sermons have you heard at your church that have been based on the (FOUR) Gospels? So if you’ve been schooled by the church, you should give some serious thought about reading the HOLY BIBLE for yourself. 2 PET3;16

And if you’re a student of the HOLY BIBLE then you know to be careful and be patient for the answer, by way of revelation and illumination. Observation and experience will confirm what you thought was true or false. TIME ALONE ISAIAH 30;15-16 MK 4;34 And yes it is very important to spend time alone with the HOLY BIBLE.

It leads to a personal and intimate relationship with the LORD JESUS. I’ve heard some churches say that its not good to be alone, the phrase used was. No man is an island. And I agree but were talking about people who maybe hurting or in serious need of help. SO let’s get serious!

When I hear some churches say that it makes me wonder if they have been born again or if they know were a baby spends its first nine months or so. JOHN 3:4 Time alone with the WORD keeps you from being influenced by anything or anyone else. Until you know how to do some weeding. LK 10:17 Then watch how the name does it, and makes a short work of deceit.

From experience I do say that its very necessary to be alone with the HOLY BIBLE. I spent about a year alone with the HOLY BIBLE. Some may not have to spend that much time alone with the WORD others may want to spend more time alone with the HOLY BIBLE. Its up to you. And something else the church fails to mention is that after pauls experience he went away for three years before he began to preach a gospel.

Now if he spent that much time alone how much time should you take to be alone with the WORD? Now you could spend that time reading other books, but I don’t recommend it. I believe the BIBLE calls it relying on the flesh, the works of men, ( horses.) Swift and unbridled counsel will leave you lost and staggering to a pit. JOB 5;14-15

I’ve seen the appetite hoodwink many. PRO 30;20 Never follow the counsel of appetite, pamper fleshy passions, and joy it brings, to your enemies. (Wild passions) tyke and stormy mind,( silent passions) tranquil mind. SIRACH 18;30

Despise little things, a little here, a little there, and gradually sink. Another glimpse at spiritual agility. Have you ever seen a bird use a worm to catch a fish? THE great news, Did the Church forsake It, the jew’s hide It’ causing others not to believe It . ISAIAH 3:12, 9:16 LK 11:52)

In ISAIAH 9:15 RECOGNITION AND DECIET is mentioned. Have the jew’s and the church tried to keep the way hidden? The jew’s seem to keep the people focused on the first five books of the Old Testament. Have they put that into practice? The church seems to keep the people focused on paul’s letter’s. But with clever and deceitful intentions.

Praying to a woman confirms that.

I don’t read the letters very much. I focus more on the Gospels and Old Testament. But for anyone who might read them. I’ll give you an idea of what to watch for.

How fast can the heart be searched?

What is a healthy or strong faith? The ability to say NO, to what’s not good for you. What is a frail or weak faith? What would you call someone with self-control? I’D call it a healthy mind, the results of a healthy faith. The weak and ill mind simply gives in and eats anything. ROM 14:3 A weak faith only needs the help of GRACE.

Was paul setting up the glutton for a fall? Do you recall the verse in, 1 Cor 8:8 Now Compare it with Rom 14: 2,3,4 and so on. Something else to think about, sow a weakness where knowledge is wanting and the sinner will grow old in sin. A favorite verse of the self righteous when trying to justify, unjust behavior. Please read, Romans 7:14-19 HOSEA 4:6 IS it easy to save a sinner?

After what was done on the cross, yes especially if he doesn’t enjoy sinning. You might say, what if he does? A question comes to mind. Did Paul intend to search the hearts of his readers? Or maybe a little confused when he touched on some things concerning the law?

The second letter of peter speaks about the letters. 2 PETER 3: 16 And he had a lot to say about the false teachers of his time and should be a very, very clear warning for you today. 2 PETER 2: 1 , 3:1-18 For those who have truly been born again, the words sacrifice the flesh and reveal the SPIRIT, I hope they don’t scare you off.

From personal experience I can say that it is a very enlightening and Awesome experience. A little confusion is the warning to avoid sin.

The experience is so awesome and overwhelming it’s hard to understand why I haven’t heard more about it in the past. Please read, MATT 7;7-11 LK 11;9-13 The words sacrifice the flesh and reveal the HOLY SPIRIT, is another way of saying, shorten the days of the flesh and live on in THE SPIRIT.

With spiritual discernment there is more to the events of an era than meets the eye. Each moment of this life is like an arena,( to some any way) Decisions are made with eternal consequences. And everyone should be heedful, aware and very careful to discern the meaning and significance of the age their living in, comprehending both the reality of evil and good. I’ve seen people who want to go to heaven, here’s a secret, seek to be born again, and then make the effort to live like you’re already there. When you see the light, wait for the Spirit.

Enjoy the promise of being born again and enjoy the revelations of the HOLY SPIRIT, feelings, tastes, and aromas. PS 34:8 There is one thing you will need, a desire to enjoy life. THE LORD JESUS showed me the way and now I’m able to share It with you.

Hopefully you will share It with others. You might be wondering how It happened, the LORD JESUS spoke, faith believed IT and responded (PS 5: 8) Sounds easy AY, it was never meant to be hard, the flesh does that. Is it easy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Please read Ecclesiastes 7 : 16 MATT 5:20

And after reading that you could read thru the Gospels and see what was said to the scribes and Pharisees and that would give you an idea of what to avoid. And pay attention to the words hypocrite or (Godless). And after reading that you may discover that it doesn’t take a lot of effort to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

But you do need to make right choices and pray for help. Because it began with prayer and a little fasting. Is prayer a work or a desire, a desire to live better? Is fasting a work or common sense knowing that it produces a healthier, robust body not to mention a longer life. And the experiences that followed kept me on my knees along with praise and thankfulness.

And those are not works either their Godly desires, that reveal appreciation. And don’t forget to read what it says about the least and the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. MATT 5: 19 Both are mentioned as being in the Kingdom of Heaven. How do you search the heart?

Something else to remember you can pray with your mind always anytime and anywhere help us JESUS, OR, JUST HUMBLY SAY, LORD JESUS, I NEED YOU..

IT’S The only name I appealed to, JESUS, not any of the other sayings. And for good reason, please read, JOEL 2;32 ACTS 2;21 Now what if it was the TEN COMMANDMENTS that were being written in the earth in JN 8

Then the first time JESUS bent down to write it could have been the first five commandments. And the next time he bent down to write would of lead to the next five and number six would have been, THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Then it says that when they heard it they began to depart beginning with the eldest, who would have been more familiar with the law. And number seven would of reminded the woman, not to commit adultery. And what about the man DEUT 22:22 And that happens to be the only place in the book of John were the word scribe is used. I know, another coincidence.

That sounds like the same GOD at work in the Old and New Testament. How serious is it to appeal to the name JESUS AND JESUS ONLY, Please read, HOSEA 2;18 MATT 7;21 LUKE 6;46 The LORD JESUS Is the GOD of the Old and New Testament, common sense seen It, how much easier for you to.

The flesh will wrestle with that and probably debate it, why try to understand the spiritual if your still wrestling with being fleshy? Have you ever wondered why the Hebrew’s quit the animal sacrifices. How beautiful, IS THE NATION WHO’S LORD IS GOD PS 19;7, 33;12 ,144;15 ISAIAH11:9 The law (The word) shows you how to destroy the flesh, the Sprit helps you to obey. (1COR 7:19)

The flesh stirs up fleshy desires; the Spirit helps you to extinguish them. Where the Spirit of the LORD JESUS Is there Is liberty. (2COR3:17) The law is a shackle to the lawless, their confusion confirms it, Those who delight in doing good are set free, their joy is peace. SIRACH 18;11

Do you know what it’s like waking up without an appetite and even working all day without an appetite? Set free ! This is not a message of works; it is, a message of GRACE, TO LIVE ACCORDINGLY IS ACCOMPLISHED WITH THE HELP OF GRACE.


THAT SAME GRACE IS THERE FOR YOU ALSO, GRACE FOR THE CONVICTED, MERCY RESCUES FROM MISEREY. Faith is a gift, GRACE IS THE GIFT THAT HELPS YOU TO LIVE IT. It is written that we are saved by GRACE not works, true. So why does the church speak as thou it hasn’t been shown GRACE? Then why call obedience a work to obtain something you say you already have.

Then the obedience that should follow isn’t a work to obtain GRACE, It’s a way to show appreciation for the GRACE that’s been shown to you. Making the effort reveals the new heart that you say you’ve been given. Have you ever done a word search of THE NAME JESUS? SEE if it takes you to the beginning?

A LITTLE SOLID FOOD, Better to have faith in the one GOD, JESUS,

then to cling with dead faith to dead ones. PRO18:10 And its better to have faith in the one name, JESUS , than to cling with dead faith to dead ones. PSALM 100:3 What are your plans for the future? I hope there biblical ones. Some might forget what they’ve heard but that will not stop the events taking place, , ,all - ready. It’s stubborn hearts that won’t be.



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